Anders Mörner
Anders Mörner
Your first issue could probably be partly solved by adding your own type. Something like [XmlType(TypeName = "ArrayOfGuid")] public class GuidList : List { public GuidList (int capacity) { Capacity...
In general I've found that the wsdl is not super important when it comes to supporting old clients. The wsdl is normally only used when connecting to a new service,...
I'm new to this project, but I think most contributions have been made to fix a particular issue. Probably there was an ambition to add support, but the person never...
If you're only having issue with newly generated clients then I believe a focus on WSDL differences is the correct approach. There is an option to use a file as...
Yup, that is a weird behavior that could be hard to change. There is the TrailingServicePathTuner that you can register in startup. That will result in everything up until the...
the if-statement is commented with "Check to prevent path traversal", so I assume that the restriction exists to prevent "../" and such, that could allow an attacker to access files...
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