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Plugin for Google's protobuf compiler to generate interfaces based on protobuf specifications and runtime for encoding and decoding protobuf messages

Ocaml protoc plugin

Main workflow

The goal of Ocaml protoc plugin is to create plugin for the google protobuf compiler (protoc) to generate Ocaml types and serialization and de-serialization functions from a .proto file. Ocaml-protoc-plugin aims to be a fully compliant implementation of the google protobuffer standard and guidelines.

The main features include:

  • Messages are mapped to idiomatic OCaml types, using modules
  • Support service descriptions
  • proto3 compliant
  • proto2 compliant
  • Supports includes
  • Supports proto2 extensions
  • Builtin support for google well known types
  • Configurable annotations for all generated types
  • Json serialization and deserialization based on protobuf specification

Comparison with other OCaml protobuf handlers.

Feature ocaml-protoc-plugin ocaml-protoc ocaml-pb
Ocaml types Supported Supported Defined runtime[^1]
Service endpoints Supported Supported N/A
proto3 Supported Supported[^3] Supported
proto2 Supported Supported[^3] Supported
proto2 extends Supported Ignored Supported
proto2 groups Not supported[^2] Ignored ?
json mappings Supported Supported ?

[^1] Ocaml-bp has a sister project Ocaml-bp-plugin which emit Ocaml-pb definitions from a .proto. The plugin parses files are proto2 Ocaml type definitions (all fields are option types), and repeated fields are not packed by default.

[^2] Groups has been deprecated by google and should not be used.

[^3] ocaml_protoc will always transmit all fields that are not marked optional, and does not strictly comply to the protobuf specification.


Basic types are mapped trivially to Ocaml types:

Primitive types:

Protobuf Type Ocaml type
int32, int64, uint32, uint64, sint32, sint64 int[^5]
fixed64, sfixed64, fixed32, sfixed32 int32, int64[^5]
bool bool
float, double float
string string
bytes bytes

[^5] The plugin supports changing the type for scalar types to int/int64/int32. See options section below.

A message declaration is compiled to a module <Name> with a record type t. Single field messages are mapped not wrapped in a record and messages without any fields are mapped to unit.

Packages are trivially mapped to modules. Included proto files (<name>.proto) are assumed to have been compiled to <name>.ml, and types in included proto files are referenced by their fill name.

Compound types are mapped like:

Protobuf Type Ocaml type
oneof Polymorphic variants: [ Field1 of fieldtype1, Field1 of fieldtype2 ]
repeated 'a 'a list
message message option
enum Abstract data types: Enum1, Enum2, Enum3
map<'a, 'b> Associative list: ('a * 'b) list

Proto2 type support

The specification for proto2 states that when deserializing a message, fields which are not transmitted should be set the the default value (either 0, or the value of the default option).

However, It seems to be the norm for proto2, that it should be possible to determine if a field was transmitted or not. Therefore all non-repeated fields in proto2 are option types - unless the field has a default value, or is a required field.

The proto2 specification states that no default values should be transmitted. However, as it is normal to be able to identify if a field has been transmitted or not, only fields with an explicit default value will be omitted when the value for the field matches the default value.


If the plugin is available in the path as protoc-gen-ocaml, then you can generate the Ocaml code by running

  protoc --ocaml_out=. --ocaml_opt=<options> file.proto


Options control the code/types generated.

Option Description Example Default
annot Type annotations. annot=[@@deriving show] ""
debug Enable debugging debug Not set
open Add open at top of generated files. May be given multiple times open=Base.Sexp []
int64_as_int Map *int64 types to int instead of int64 int64_as_int=false true
int32_as_int Map *int32 types to int instead of int32 int32_as_int=false true
fixed_as_int Map *fixed* types to int fixed_as_int=true false
singleton_record Messages with only one field will be wrapped in a record singleton_record=true false
prefix_output_with_package Emit files prefixed with their package name. This allows multiple protofiles of the same name with different package names to be used prefix_output_with_package=true false
singleton_oneof_as_option Oneof declarations only containing one field are mapped to a single optional field singleton_oneof_as_option=false true

Parameters are separated by ;

If protoc-gen-ocaml is not located in the path, it is possible to specify the exact path to the plugin:

protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-ocaml=../plugin/ocaml-protocol-plugin.exe --ocaml_out=. <file>.proto

Json serialization and deserialization

Ocaml-proto-plugin can serialize and deserialize to/from json. Using the function to_json, from_json and from_json_exn similar to regular protobuffer serialization and deserialization.

Json serialization can be controlled using optional arguments:

val to_json: Json_options.t -> t -> Json.t

The Json.t type is identical to Yojson.Basic.t. ocaml-protoc-plugin does does not depend on Yojson to limit number of dependencies.

The options argument allows finer grained control over json serialization. The followin options are supported:

argument comment default
enum_names By default enum names are used when serializing to json. Setting to false will use enum values instead true
json_names By default Json will use camelCase names for fields. Setting to false will use the names as defined in the proto definition file true
omit_default_values By default json will not serialize default values to reduce size. Setting to false will for all values to be emitted to the json file. true

Json deserialization will accept json constructed with any combination of options.

The json serialization and deserialization has support for special handling of the following types to follow the protobuf specification as close as possible:

type json example notes
bytes "Ynl0ZXM=" Base64 encoded
google.protobuf.Empty {}
google.protobuf.Duration "123.456s"
google.protobuf.Timestamp "2024-03-08T20:54:43.000000000Z"
google.protobuf.Value { "x": 4 }
google.protobuf.Struct { "x": 4 }
google.protobuf.ListValue [ 4,5,6 ]
google.protobuf.FieldMask "camelCase,camelCased" Not guaranteed to be reversible due to camel case conversion
google.protobuf.Any Not handled, as the ocaml-protobuf-plugin does not support dynamic protobuf parsing

Json serialization and deserializaiton is not well optimized and should not be used in performance critical applications.

Older versions of protoc

Some older versons of google protobuf compiler protoc does not support the --ocaml_opt flag. As an alternative, options can also be passed with the --ocaml_out flag:

protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-ocaml=../plugin/ocaml.exe --ocaml_out=annot=debug;[@@deriving show { with_path = false }, eq]:. <file>.proto

Mangle generated names

Idiomatic protobuf names are somewhat alien to Ocaml. Ocaml_protoc_plugin has an option to mangle protobuf names into somewhat more Ocaml idiomatic names. When this option is set (see below), names are mangled to snake case as described in the table below:

Protobyf type Protobuf name Ocaml name
package CapitalizedSnakeCase Capitalized_snake_case
message CapitalizedSnakeCase Capitalized_snake_case
field lowercased_snake_case lowercased_snake_case
oneof name lowercased_snake_case lowercased_snake_case
oneof field capitalized_snake_case Capitalized_snake_case
enum CAPITALIZED_SNAKE_CASE Capitalized_snake_case
service name CapitalizedSnakeCase Capitalized_snake_case
rpc name LowercasedSnakeCase lowercased_snake_case

protoc cannot guarantee that names do not clash when mangling is enabled. If a name clash is detected (eg. SomeMessage and some_message exists in same file) an apostrophe is appended to the name to make sure names are unique.

The algorithm for converting CamelCased names to snake_case is done by injecting an underscore between any lowercase and uppercase character and then lowercasing the result.

Setting mangle option

Name mangling option can only be controlled from within the protobuf specification file. This is needed as protobuf files may reference each other and it its important to make sure that included names are referenced correctly across compilation units (and invocations of protoc).

To set the option use:

// This can be placed in a common file and then included
import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
message options { bool mangle_names = 1; }
extend google.protobuf.FileOptions {
    options ocaml_options = 1074;

// This option controls name generation. If true names are converted
// into more ocaml ideomatic names
option (ocaml_options) = { mangle_names:true };

// This message will be mapped to module name My_proto_message
message MyProtoMessage { }

Deprecation annotations in proto files

Protobug specification (.proto file) allow for deprecating files, enums, enum values, messages, message fields, services and methods.

These deprecations are kept in the ocaml mapping to generate alerts for alert category 'protobuf'.

Alerts are automatically enabled as warnings. To disable deprecation alerts, either add the compiler flag -alert -protobuf, or though ocaml annotations e.g. by adding [@@@ocaml.alert "-protobuf"] to the top of a file.

Using dune

Below is a dune rule for generating code for test.proto. The google_include target is used to determine the base include path for google protobuf well known types.

 (targets google_include)
 (action (with-stdout-to %{targets}
          (system "pkg-config protobuf --variable=includedir"))))

 (targets test.ml)
  (:proto test.proto))
  (run protoc -I %{read-lines:google_include} -I .  "--ocaml_opt=annot=[@@deriving show { with_path = false }, eq]" --ocaml_out=. %{proto})))

Service interface

Service interfaces create a module with values that just references the request and reply pair. These binding can then be used with function in Protobuf.Service.

The call function will take a string -> string function, which implement message sending -> receiving.

The service function is a string -> string function which takes a handler working over the actual message types.

Proto2 extensions

Proto2 extensions allows for messages to be extended. For each extending field, the plugin create a module with a get and set function for reading/writing extension fields.

Below is an example on how to set and get extension fields

// file: ext.proto
syntax = "proto2";
message Foo {
  required uint32 i = 1;
  extensions 100 to 200;

extend Foo {
  optional uint32 bar = 128;
  optional string baz = 129;
(* file: test.ml *)

open Extensions

(* Set extensions *)
let _ =
  let foo = Foo.{ i = 31; extensions' = Ocaml_protoc_plugin.Extensions.default } in
  let foo_with_bar = Bar.set foo (Some 42) in
  let foo_with_baz = Baz.set foo (Some "Test String") in
  let foo_with_bar_baz = Baz.set foo_with_bar (Some "Test String") in

  (* Get extensions *)
  let open Ocaml_protoc_plugin.Result in
  Bar.get foo_with_bar >>= fun bar ->
  Baz.get foo_with_baz >>= fun baz ->
  assert (bar = Some 42);
  assert (baz = Some "Test String");
  Bar.get foo_with_bar_baz >>= fun bar' ->
  Baz.get foo_with_bar_baz >>= fun baz' ->
  assert (bar' = Some 42);
  assert (baz' = Some "Test String");
  return ()

Extensions are replaced by proto3 Any type, and use is discouraged.

Proto3 Any type

No special handling of any type is supported, as Ocaml does not allow for runtime types, so any type must be handled manually by serializing and deserializing the embedded message.

Proto3 Optional fields

Proto3 optional fields are handled in the same way as proto2 optional fields; The type is an option type, and always transmissted when set.

Imported protofiles

The generated code assumes that imported modules (generated from proto files) are available in the compilation scope. If the modules generated from imported protofiles resides in different a different scope (e.g. is compiled with wrapped true, they need to be made available by adding parameter open=<module name> to make the modules available for the compilation.

Google Well know types

Protobuf distributes a set of Well-Known types. ocaml-protoc-plugin installs compiled versions of these. These can be used by linking with the package ocaml-protoc-plugin.google_types, and adding option open=Google_types to the list of parameters

The distributed google types are compiled using default parameters, i.e. without any ppx annotations.

If you want to change this, or add type annotations, you can copy the dune from the distribution to your own project, and make alterations there. See the echo_deriving example on how to do this.



syntax = "proto3";
message Address {
  enum Planet {
    Earth = 0; Mars  = 1; Pluto = 2;
  string street = 1;
  uint64 number = 2;
  Planet planet = 3;

message Person {
  uint64 id       = 1;
  string name     = 2;
  Address address = 3;

$ protoc --ocaml_out=. test.proto

Generates a file test.ml with the following signature:

module Address : sig
  module rec Planet : sig
    type t = Earth | Mars | Pluto
    val to_int: t -> int
    val from_int: int -> t Protobuf.Deserialize.result
  val name': unit -> string
  type t = {
    street: string;
    number: int;
    planet: Planet.t;
  val make: ?street:string ?number:int ?planet:Planet.t -> unit -> t
  val to_proto: t -> Protobuf.Writer.t
  val from_proto: Protobuf.Reader.t -> (t, Protobuf.Deserialize.error) result
module Person : sig
  val name': unit -> string
  type t = {
    id: int;
    name: string;
    address: Address.t option;
  val make: ?id:int ?name:string ?planet:Address.t -> unit -> t
  val to_proto: t -> Protobuf.Writer.t
  val from_proto: Protobuf.Reader.t -> (t, Protobuf.Deserialize.error) result
end = struct

Note that if test.proto had a package declaration such as package testing, the modules Address and Person listed above would be defined as sub-modules of a top-level module Testing.

The function make allows the user to create message without specifying all (or any) fields. Using this function will allow users to add fields to message later without needing to modify any code, as new fields will be set to default values.

Protobuf.Reader and Protobuf.Writer are used then reading or writing protobuf binary format. Below is an example on how to decode a message and how to read a message.

let string_of_planet = function
  | Address.Earth -> "earth"
  | Mars -> "mars"
  | Pluto -> "pluto"

let read_person binary_message =
  let reader = Protobuf.Reader.create binary_message in
  match Person.from_proto reader in
  | Ok Person.{ id; name; address = Some Address { street; number; planet } } ->
    Printf.printf "P: %d %s - %s %s %d\n" id name (string_of_planet planet) street number
  | Ok Person.{ id; name; address = None } ->
    Printf.printf "P: %d %s - Address unknown\n" id name
  | Error _ -> failwith "Could not decode"

More examples can be found under examples


ocaml-protoc-plugin has been optimized for speec, and is comparable ocaml-protoc

Numbers below shows benchmark comparing encoding and decoding speed to ocaml-protoc. The benchmark is run with flambda settings: -O3 -unbox-closures -unboxed-types -remove-unused-arguments -rounds 4 -inline 100.00 -inline-max-depth 5 -inline-max-unroll 5 -unsafe. Benchmarks are made on a Intel i5, i5-5257U CPU @ 2.70GHz, using ocaml switch ocaml-option-flambda.1,ocaml-variants.5.2.0~beta1+options

Test plugin ns/run protoc ns/run ratio
bench/decode 151046.64 146006.25 1.03
bench/encode 113419.40 162761.03 0.70
int64/decode 24.27 22.04 1.10
int64/encode 42.98 42.50 1.01
float/decode 24.09 23.59 1.02
float/encode 44.96 33.30 1.35
string/decode 42.76 38.35 1.11
string/encode 94.54 52.77 1.79
enum/decode 26.44 25.47 1.04
enum/encode 75.54 32.69 2.31
empty/decode 7.42 5.32 1.39
empty/encode 5.63 43.40 0.13
int64 list/decode 15060.06 14977.46 1.01
int64 list/encode 10132.74 11871.89 0.85
float list/decode 14221.61 13123.94 1.08
float list/encode 8596.24 12644.59 0.68
string list/decode 45024.73 57261.46 0.79
string list/encode 39081.08 51495.56 0.76
map<int64,int64>/decode 81572.19 91668.48 0.89
map<int64,int64>/encode 92840.01 49106.69 1.89
varint_boxed(0xffffffff)/decode 19.25 24.17 0.80
varint_boxed(0xffffffff)/encode 4.22 14.84 0.28
varint_unboxed(0xffffffff)/decode 19.48 22.94 0.85
varint_unboxed(0xffffffff)/encode 3.22 15.16 0.21
varint_boxed(0xffffffffffffffff)/decode 36.33 41.21 0.88
varint_boxed(0xffffffffffffffff)/encode 15.30 19.18 0.80
varint_unboxed(0xffffffffffffffff)/decode 35.67 39.70 0.90
varint_unboxed(0xffffffffffffffff)/encode 7.17 21.06 0.34


This work is based on issuu/ocaml-protoc-plugin. Thanks to Issuu who initially developed this library/plugin.

Thanks to all contributers: