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A mini Flask App to demonstrate auto deploy to AWS-ECS Fargate with Docker-Compose


A mini Flask App to demonstrate auto deploy to AWS-ECS Fargate with Docker-Compose

Project Folder Structure.

- nginx
    | - check.sh
    | - dockerfile
    | - nginx.conf
    | - nginx.dev.conf
- scripts
    | - .env (ignored)
    | - config_ecr.py
    | - del_ecr.py
    | - deploy.sh
    | - destroy.sh
    | - login_ecr.sh
    | - set_ecs_params.py
    | - setup_ecs.sh
    | - task-execution-assume-role.json
- templates
    | - home.html
- .gitignore
- app.py
- docker-compose.ecs.yml(generated and ignored)
- docker-compose.yml
- dockerfile
- ecs-params.yml
- ecs-params.ecs.yml (generated and ignored)
- instructions.txt
- requirements.txt
- uwsgi.ini

.env file should be placed in your scripts folder. run source scripts/.env to load your environment variables

# Project name needs to match the docker image prefix, which is by default the same as the project root dir name
export AWS_PROJECT=rainbowtext



export DOCKER_COMPOSE_YML_INPUT=docker-compose.yml
export DOCKER_COMPOSE_YML_OUTPUT=docker-compose.ecs.yml

export ECS_PARAMS_INPUT=ecs-params.yml
export ECS_PARAMS_OUTPUT=ecs-params.ecs.yml

This project makes use of Docker to automate deployment to AWS ECS FARGATE.

Create a launch box

AWS -> EC2 -> Images -> AMIs -> AMI ID = ami-09712b7bf6d670b8f

Use this image to launch a pre-configured Linux box with all the dependencies installed.

Build and run locally

docker-compose build && docker-compose up

Navigate to localhost to see the running application.

Build for production

docker-compose build --build-arg build_env="production"

Build for production and deploy

NB: Activate python virtual environment and pip install
the requirements before running the deploy script.
The deploy script needs to run with python3
docker-compose build --build-arg build_env="production"
./scripts/deploy.sh > deploy.log 2>&1 &

Access the web service

The deployment scripts create a cluster with an auto-generated default security group. The default rules doesn't allow inbound traffic from the Internet and we need to change that after services are up. Run grep security_grp deploy.log to extract the auto-generated security group ID. Go to AWS console AWS -> VPC -> Security Groups and search for that ID. Add an HTTP inbound rule.

Destroy after testing app


Other instructions


Some context here if you don't mind

The Deploy script does three basic things using three files

  • scripts/login_ecr.sh: It configures aws on your machine with a custom profile and logs into ECR.
  • scripts/config_ecr.py: It creates a repo on ecr and uploads created and tagged images to ECR.
  • scripts/setup_ecs.sh rainbowtext: Setup ECS and deploy to ECS fargate.