Great work! It would be nice to be able to customize transactional emails. May be a customizable view and pass the parameters?
Example in v2, function remind_password: `$this->CI->email->message($this->CI->lang->line('aauth_email_reset_text') . site_url() . $this->config_vars['reset_password_link'] . $ver_code );` My proposal: `$this->CI->email->message($this->CI->load->view('aauth_email_reset', array('url' => site_url($this->config_vars['reset_password_link']), 'ver_code' => $ver_code), TRUE));`
I think it's a problem on how are you using the HybridAuth library. If you only use HA to login, you don't need HA anymore within the session. I'm right?
Sorry, sometimes I'm too short. HybridIgniter only connects CodeIgniter with HybridAuth, so you really are working with HybridAuth, but the config is in the correct folder in CI structure and...
Your authorized URL is not the same are you using (notice the "index.php" part).
Can you paste the relevant part of the log (deleting sensitive data) from "Enter Hybrid_Auth::initialize()" until the end?
The value in your "base_url" must be "/hauth/endpoint" (without the application directory part).
Which is the value configured in the "base_url" param inside config/config.php ?
Can you try with another browser? I've had problems before with sessions.
Maybe there is a problem with the subfolder installation. Let me test it. I have no time now, sorry.