testgr icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
testgr copied to clipboard

Web service which provides access to Pytest and nose2 test executions data.


Web service which provides monitoring and data store for nose2 or pytest execution results.

How it works

nose2 and pytest frameworks have several methods for providing details of test runs and tests before and after test execution. To connect Testgr and these frameworks - you need to use nose2-rt or pytest-rt plugins (depending on your framework). Testgr service collects all data produced by plugins and store it in the database. If some test is in running, passed, failed or skipped state - plugin will send updated data to Testgr and user will see test execution status in real-time.

Main page of Testgr.

Main page

Job page.

On this page you can review status of your test job execution.

Job in progress: Job page

Finished job: Finished_job

Example of finished test:

Failed test




  • Python 3.10.4
  • Django 4.0.4
  • Redis 6.0.16
  • SQLite, MySQL 8 or PostgreSQL 10+
  • Celery 5.2.6

API plugins setup

Depending on your test framework (nose2 or pytest) you can choose nose2-rt or pytest-rt.

Deploy and configuration

1 - You can start up Testgr rapidly using docker-compose:

git clone https://github.com/and-sm/testgr.git
cd testgr

If you are using MySQL - please install mysqlclient Python package

2 - Rename config_example.env file to config.env and configure:

TESTGR_URL - write http://your_testgr_domain.xx

SECRET_KEY - generate and use strong password

TIME_ZONE - use your timezone, default is UTC

Set up necessary email configuration. Currently Testgr use smtp.EmailBackend as default. Use comma delimited emails for more than one email receiver.

Optional: configure testgr/settings.py file if more advanced configuration is needed.

3 - Start Testgr

docker-compose up -d --build

4 - Then you must create an admin user. Let's check information about our running containers:

docker ps

Find testgr_web container, remember the CONTAINER ID. Then:

docker exec -it TESTGR_WEB_CONTAINER_ID bash
python manage.py createsuperuser

Open Testgr by using address. Login with previously created admin user account.

User management:

To create users go to Management > Users. Roles:

  • admin - initial user with full privileges.
  • staff - can create staff/normal users.
  • normal - don't have an access to management page.

How to stop Testgr:

docker-compose down

How to start Testgr again:

docker-compose up -d

HTTPS setup

SSL settings are based on NGINX-LE docker image - https://github.com/nginx-le/nginx-le

1 - Configure necessary settings from "Deploy and configuration" section.

2- In the config.env use "https" protocol with your URL for TESTGR_URL.

3 - Open docker-compose-ssl and change TZ, LE_EMAIL and LE_FQDN parameters.

4 - Open files in static/js/testgr/main folder and change "ws://" to "wss://".

5 - Open docker/nginx/testgr_ssl.conf and configure your "server_name".

6 - Run docker-compose -f docker-compose-ssl.yml pull.

7 - Run docker-compose -f docker-compose-ssl.yml up and go through the LE process.

Please note, that the very first launch of Testgr can take some additional time, because of SSL dhparams generator. When you see "Congratulations! Your cerfificate and chain have been saved..." - the process must be completed.

Backup your SSL certificates, which can be found in testgr/ssl folder

How to send screenshots from test execution to Testgr


Use list with t_screen name as collection of base64 strings.


def example():
    pytest.t_screen = []
    img = chrome_driver.get_screenshot_as_base64()
    pytest.t_screen.append(img)  # You can add screenshot as list item, name will be generated
    img2 = chrome_driver.get_screenshot_as_base64()
    pytest.t_screen.append({"name": "front", "image": img2})  # you can add screenshot as dict item with name

Do not forget to clear pytest.t_screen before and after each test!

For example use fixture:

def run_around_tests():
    pytest.t_screen = []


Open nose2.cfg and configure "screenshots_var" under [rt] section.


endpoint = http://example.com/loader
screenshot_var = t_screen

Then use list with t_screen name as collection of base64 strings for unittest.TestCase instance.

Test example:

class TestScenario(unittest.TestCase):

	def setUp(self):
		options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() 
		self.driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path="./chromedriver", options=options)

	def test_example(self):
		""" description """
		self.t_screen = []
		img = self.driver.get_screenshot_as_base64()    # You can add screenshot as list item, name will be generated
		img2 = self.driver.get_screenshot_as_base64()
		self.t_screen.append({"name": "front", "image": img2})  # you can add screenshot as dict item with name

Screenshots will be saved in media/screenshots folder.

Custom attachments

It is possible to send attachments or JSON data to job or test items.

curl -X POST 'https://{%TESTGR_URL%}/upload/job/{%JOB_UUID%}/' -F 'file=@{%FILE_PATH%}' -H 'Authorization: Token {%USER_TOKEN%}'
curl -X POST 'https://{%TESTGR_URL%}/upload/test/{%TEST_UUID%}/' -F 'file=@{%FILE_PATH%}' -H 'Authorization: Token {%USER_TOKEN%}'
curl -X POST 'https://{%TESTGR_URL%}/upload/test/{%TEST_UUID%}/' --data '{"data":"test"}' -H 'Authorization: Token {%USER_TOKEN%}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

User token can be generated by "Management -> Users" page. File types can be configured by config.env UPLOAD_MIME_TYPES variable.