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deep-freeze-node copied to clipboard

Recursively Object.freeze() objects.

Results 9 deep-freeze-node issues
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Can we allow arm64 arch? Currently installation fails on this requirement check. Error snippet: ``` code EBADPLATFORM npm ERR! notsup Unsupported platform for [email protected]: wanted {"os":"darwin,linux,win32","arch":"x64,ia32,arm,mips"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"arm64"}) npm ERR!...

The function is safe against falsy values and the tests prove it.

As far as I can tell, there's no need to restrict to just macOS, Windows, and Linux since the library is purely javascript. I ran into this when installing an...

Object.freeze() modifies the object in place, so no need to reassign

``` > freeze = require('deep-freeze-node') [Function] > freeze({foo: new Buffer(1)}) TypeError: Cannot prevent extension of an object with external array elements at Function.freeze (native) ```

Bumps [debug]( to 4.3.4 and updates ancestor dependency [mocha]( These dependencies need to be updated together. Updates `debug` from 2.6.8 to 4.3.4 Release notes Sourced from debug's releases. 4.3.4 What's...


Bumps [qs]( from 6.3.2 to 6.5.3. Changelog Sourced from qs's changelog. 6.5.3 [Fix] parse: ignore __proto__ keys (#428) [Fix] utils.merge`: avoid a crash with a null target and a truthy...
