premotedroid copied to clipboard
Github fork of premotedroid to work on issues pending in google code as developer is non responsive.
This branch is kept for archival purpose only. I am not using this software anymore. Some patches were made by various contributor's on this branch and hence i have kept it as is for refernece purpose. But for all intents and purposes there is no dev work going on here. please feel free to fork and maintain. Do inform if you want to maintain i will be happy to transfer the ownership or you can simply fork and i will add link to fork.
Github fork of premotedroid to work on issues pending in google code as developer is non responsive.
Repository replicated from the original and community is requested to submit patches if anyone want to submit any changes.
I am not very active on the development however i use this software on a regular basis
and hence require the tool to work in certain way and hence keep modifying it as needed.
I will make my best efforts to merge all changes as well as
i have made this repository available in github so that who so ever want can quickly fork the repository
and make the changes as and when required.
If i see some traction in code base i will try to make it available as a forked version in play store also.