Anantha Kumaran
Anantha Kumaran
We could introduce a config `tide-reuse-tsserver` and set it to nil by default until all the bugs are sorted out in tsserver. If enabled, it would search for existing tsserver...
Can you share some errors that are different between `tsc` and `tsserver`. Fixing this might not be straightforward as we are now saying find-file and `M-.` will do different things.
> We could at least make in an option to search further up the path when the current project-path is resolved to something which is a subfolder of "node_modules". As...
This should work. You can try to narrow down where things go wrong. Enable the [logs]( and try `M-x company-complete` and see if there any `"command":"completions"` request. If yes, then...
do you get response for the completions command? If you get empty response, it's likely misconfig somewhere
you can check the sample config file which works
> And I can see {"name":"Navbar","kind":"alias","kindModifiers":"","sortText":"0"} ok, then it's not tsserver issue. Something going on the emacs side. Normally, company should show you the `Navbar` option.
@sooqua I would need a way to reproduce the issue (with my current config, I can't reproduce this issue). I can't provide instructions to debug as I am not sure...
@MeltWS could you run `M-x trace-function` function: `tide-response-success-p` and see if you get any `Response length from tsserver is greater than maximum allowed response`.
Looks like tsserver doesn't respect the `Nav` prefix we send and returns completion for all the top level symbols, which incase of react projects turns out to be a lot...