Ananth Iyer

Results 22 comments of Ananth Iyer

@Nuranto it could be related to Magento CSP: Please check:

Same issue in Ubuntu, we have docker installed already and need to skip install docker in "validate and install docker" process

@dzhuser @engcom-Dash I have replicated the issue and a single line fix. Find line: ```php $fieldName = $subject->getConnection()->quoteIdentifier($field); ``` Replace with: ```php $fieldName = $subject->getConnection()->quoteIdentifier('main_table.' . $field); ``` I will...

@ljr95 I am happy to know that my solution worked for you. You could create a patch file, then add an entry in composer.json for future deployments.

@SerhiiMandrykin This error occurs only in this Plugin class and not in other places.

@SerhiiMandrykin Here the issue is Column 'created_at' in where the clause is ambiguous. But $subject->getConnection()->quoteIdentifier is not saying from which table `created_at` field should be used. So adding `main_table.` will...

@SerhiiMandrykin As per plugin name suggests: `orderGridCollectionFilterPlugin` it should be for `Magento\Sales\Model\ResourceModel\Order\Grid\Collection`, but previous developer add it for `Magento\Framework\View\Element\UiComponent\DataProvider\SearchResult` and will cause issues in other places. Should this be changed...

@SerhiiMandrykin I changed it to `Magento\Sales\Model\ResourceModel\Order\Grid\Collection` in latest commit.

@fgerodez We should follow SOLID DESIGN PRINCIPALS over there: Please feel free to edit in my PR.