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How I can use Twig syntax inside editor?
I want to make link to a page like this
<a href="{{ 'about-us'|page }}">Link to page</a>
And when I save it gets saved to
<a href="{{%20'about-us'%7Cpage%20}}">Link to page</a>
How to make editor not tinker with twig syntax?
Using Froala Editor
As I see, I need to pass href link as variable, because content blocks do not support twig syntax :( https://octobercms.com/docs/cms/content#content-global-variables
But I can not figure how to do it, nothing returns eave my global variable, to the content block.
same issue, you can partially solve that by leaving no blank space between tags, this: {{ 'aboutus'|page }}, instead of this: {{ (blank) 'about-us'|page (blank) }}, at least it solve the problem for translate plugin, but this tag "|"(%7) is still an issue, maybe somebody will find a solution, i hope so