I am trying to run a simple demo application for react and grpc implementation. I am getting this error . My client is running on port 8080 and server is...
I am creating a new encoder inside a function. I am not even calling the function just declaring the function. I am getting this error and program crashes and also...
Hi, I am converting an rtsp stream to webrtc, I am using the exact code from this repo. I am not sure how to reduce the quality of the video...
I am trying out the pion mediadevices example for webrtc. which is given in this repository. The connection is connected successfully. I am also receiving a video track and attaching...
I have an gin api in which i compress a string using lz4 frame compression and send the result in the response to a frontend. In the javascript I fetch...
The objects in the scene are scaled way too big (200 Units) in the example. If we didn't scale it the object is too small. How to fix this and...
The CPU usage is at 90% when tracking a single image. How to reduce CPU load without compromising the tracking performance?