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Analogue ORM : Data Mapper ORM for Laravel/PHP

Results 8 analogue issues
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I can't install Analogue on fresh installation of Laravel 6 This is my composer.json ``` "require": { "php": "^7.2", "fideloper/proxy": "^4.0", "laravel/framework": "^6.0", "laravel/tinker": "^1.0" }, ``` and this is...

help wanted

Thank you so much for this package, I am glad to see a non-active record (and non-doctrine) option for Laravel. I ran into a bit of a problem: Since Driver,...


Hello, Great job with this package. It works great with my projects. Is there a package that makes translations of models? I need somethig like dimsav/laravel-translatable.


Hello, just trying to use eager load: Mapper: ``` class RoleMap extends EntityMap { public $timestamps = true; protected $with = ['roleStrings']; public function roleStrings(Role $role) { return $this->hasMany($role, RoleString::class);...

I'll just describe here the most obscure points - Since 5.5 Repository was marked as deprecated, what is alternative - full custom realizations with mapper injection, or something else? -...


I was working on upgrading to 5.5 and ran into some issues with the serialization. To be exact I upgraded analogue/orm from 5.4.0 to 5.5.18. Basically in 5.5 the EntityProxy...


Hey all, Just gave it a try, looking good! Any roadmap for composite primary keys?

help wanted

I have a `Document` class with a `documentable` morphTo relationship. If I try to access `$document->documentable` when the `documentable_type` column is `NULL` I get two different issues, depending on the...