aditof_sdk copied to clipboard
ROS Node using the AD-FXTOF1-EBZ is not running properly.
I am trying to get the aditof_sdk ROS node running with the AD-FXTOF1-EBZ on a Raspberry Pi 4. While I have resolved the build issues, I am getting errors when I launch the node using the launch file (roslaunch aditof_roscpp camera_node.launch) as follows:
roslaunch aditof_roscpp camera_node.launch
... logging to /home/pi/.ros/log/fa3affde-facc-11eb-9eac-dca63276f009/roslaunch-raspberrypi-4015.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server
* /rosdistro: melodic
* /rosversion: 1.14.11
aditof_camera_node (aditof_roscpp/aditof_camera_node)
reconfigParams (rqt_reconfigure/rqt_reconfigure)
auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [4025]
setting /run_id to fa3affde-facc-11eb-9eac-dca63276f009
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [4036]
started core service [/rosout]
process[aditof_camera_node-2]: started with pid [4039]
process[reconfigParams-3]: started with pid [4041]
I0811 20:53:07.038094 4049 aditof_utils.cpp:51] No ip provided, attempting to connect to the camera through USB
I0811 20:53:07.039536 4049 sensor_enumerator_raspberrypi.cpp:49] Looking for sensors on the target: Raspberry PI
I0811 20:53:07.041591 4049 camera_fxtof1.cpp:127] Initializing camera
I0811 20:53:07.041821 4049 addi9036_sensor.cpp:140] Opening device
I0811 20:53:07.042023 4049 addi9036_sensor.cpp:158] Looking for the following cards:
I0811 20:53:07.042098 4049 addi9036_sensor.cpp:160] unicam
E0811 20:53:07.051681 4049 tmp10x_sensor.cpp:60] Temp sensor open error
I0811 20:53:07.876914 4049 camera_fxtof1.cpp:178] Camera initialized
I0811 20:53:07.879365 4049 addi9036_sensor.cpp:257] Starting device 0
I0811 20:53:07.881724 4049 camera_fxtof1.cpp:209] Chosen mode: near
I0811 20:53:07.881794 4049 camera_fxtof1.cpp:222] Camera range for mode: near is: 250 mm and 800 mm
I0811 20:53:07.881922 4049 camera_fxtof1.cpp:233] Found firmware for mode: near
I0811 20:53:07.881953 4049 camera_fxtof1.cpp:236] Firmware size: 14404 bytes
libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate
I0811 20:53:09.665556 4049 calibration_fxtof1.cpp:290] Camera intrinsic parameters:
fx: 323.025
fy: 0
cx: 374.073
cy: 0
I0811 20:53:09.755007 4049 camera_fxtof1.cpp:209] Chosen mode: medium
I0811 20:53:09.755093 4049 camera_fxtof1.cpp:222] Camera range for mode: medium is: 300 mm and 3000 mm
I0811 20:53:09.755262 4049 calibration_fxtof1.cpp:290] Camera intrinsic parameters:
fx: 323.025
fy: 0
cx: 374.073
cy: 0
W0811 20:53:09.790287 4049 camera_fxtof1.cpp:439] Unsupported control
E0811 20:53:09.790509 4049 aditof_utils.cpp:137] Could not set camera revision!
[aditof_camera_node-2] process has died [pid 4039, exit code -7, cmd sudo /home/pi/Downloads/aditof_sdk/build/catkin_ws/devel/lib/aditof_roscpp/aditof_camera_node __name:=aditof_camera_node __log:=/home/pi/.ros/log/fa3affde-facc-11eb-9eac-dca63276f009/aditof_camera_node-2.log].
log file: /home/pi/.ros/log/fa3affde-facc-11eb-9eac-dca63276f009/aditof_camera_node-2*.log
Note: I have modified the launch file to give the camera node sudo priviliges as follows:
<arg name="ip" default='""'/>
<node pkg="aditof_roscpp" type="aditof_camera_node" name="aditof_camera_node" launch-prefix="sudo" args="$(arg ip)" output="screen"/>
<node pkg="rqt_reconfigure" type="rqt_reconfigure" name="reconfigParams"/>
This allows the node to access the onboard EEPROM without errors.
I am following the Raspberry Pi4 setup instructions here: I use the ADI SD Card image and have verified that the Desktop program works with the sensor ( although it does not allow me to enter a file name to record data, there is an issue with entering characters in that field ).
Since ROS-Melodic is not available as an apt package I need to build from source. I follow these instructions for this: In step 3.1, I install the desktop version and no additional packages are installed. There were no errors encountered doing this.
In order to setup the SDK/ROS node I follow the instructions here: and here:
Since ROS-Melodic is not available as an apt package I need to build from source. I follow these instructions for this: In step 3.1, I install the desktop version and no additional packages are installed. There were no errors encountered doing this.
Here is a set of the cmake and build commands that I run to build the ROS node and examples for the FXTOF1-EBZ.
cmake -DWITH_EXAMPLES=on -DWITH_ROS=on -DWITH_NETWORK=on -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/opt/glog;/opt/protobuf;/opt/websockets" -DRASPBERRYPI=1 -DUSE_FXTOF1=1 ..
sudo cmake --build . --target install
cmake --build . --target aditof_ros_package
Since I build the examples I can verify that the aditof-demo program works correctly. However it needs sudo permissions, otherwise I get the following errors:
I0811 21:02:26.007210 4227 sensor_enumerator_raspberrypi.cpp:49] Looking for sensors on the target: Raspberry PI
I0811 21:02:26.008947 4227 camera_fxtof1.cpp:127] Initializing camera
I0811 21:02:26.009008 4227 addi9036_sensor.cpp:140] Opening device
I0811 21:02:26.009061 4227 addi9036_sensor.cpp:158] Looking for the following cards:
I0811 21:02:26.009089 4227 addi9036_sensor.cpp:160] unicam
E0811 21:02:26.017079 4227 eeprom.cpp:64] fopen() failed. Error: Permission denied
E0811 21:02:26.017431 4227 camera_fxtof1.cpp:156] Failed to open EEPROM with name 24c1024
I0811 21:02:26.019940 4227 addi9036_sensor.cpp:257] Starting device 0
I0811 21:02:26.052780 4227 camera_fxtof1.cpp:209] Chosen mode: near
I0811 21:02:26.052925 4227 camera_fxtof1.cpp:222] Camera range for mode: near is: 250 mm and 800 mm
I0811 21:02:26.053064 4227 camera_fxtof1.cpp:233] Found firmware for mode: near
I0811 21:02:26.053088 4227 camera_fxtof1.cpp:236] Firmware size: 14404 bytes
W0811 21:02:27.871995 4227 calibration_fxtof1.cpp:238] Invalid intrinsic 5.000000
W0811 21:02:27.872748 4227 calibration_fxtof1.cpp:288] Failed to read intrinsic from eeprom
The program still starts and I can play the depth and ir data live. Any help with this would be appreciated. Thank you, Colm
Just a quick update. I am running into a similar issue with the ROS node and the AD-96TOF1-EBZ board on the same Raspberry Pi. As per the instructions I am running the follow commands:
cmake -DWITH_EXAMPLES=on -DWITH_ROS=on -DWITH_NETWORK=on -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/opt/glog;/opt/protobuf;/opt/websockets" -DRASPBERRYPI=1 ..
sudo cmake --build . --target install
cmake --build . --target aditof_ros_package
source ../setup_ros1_local
roslaunch aditof_roscpp camera_node.launch
The ROS node fails with the follow output:
$ roslaunch aditof_roscpp camera_node.launch
... logging to /home/pi/.ros/log/ec8c5f5e-fb7b-11eb-bed7-dca63276f009/roslaunch-raspberrypi-4682.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server
* /rosdistro: melodic
* /rosversion: 1.14.11
aditof_camera_node (aditof_roscpp/aditof_camera_node)
reconfigParams (rqt_reconfigure/rqt_reconfigure)
auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [4692]
setting /run_id to ec8c5f5e-fb7b-11eb-bed7-dca63276f009
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [4703]
started core service [/rosout]
process[aditof_camera_node-2]: started with pid [4706]
process[reconfigParams-3]: started with pid [4708]
I0812 17:45:25.952389 4716 aditof_utils.cpp:51] No ip provided, attempting to connect to the camera through USB
I0812 17:45:25.953450 4716 sensor_enumerator_raspberrypi.cpp:49] Looking for sensors on the target: Raspberry PI
I0812 17:45:25.955127 4716 camera_96tof1.cpp:146] Initializing camera
I0812 17:45:25.955212 4716 addi9036_sensor.cpp:140] Opening device
I0812 17:45:25.955287 4716 addi9036_sensor.cpp:158] Looking for the following cards:
I0812 17:45:25.955318 4716 addi9036_sensor.cpp:160] unicam
I0812 17:45:26.346835 4716 calibration_96tof1.cpp:162] EEPROM calibration data size 64940 bytes
libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate
I0812 17:45:32.147253 4716 camera_96tof1.cpp:202] Camera initialized
I0812 17:45:32.149843 4716 addi9036_sensor.cpp:257] Starting device 0
I0812 17:45:32.152070 4716 camera_96tof1.cpp:233] Chosen mode: near
I0812 17:45:32.152118 4716 camera_96tof1.cpp:277] Camera range for mode: near is: 250 mm and 800 mm
I0812 17:45:32.152806 4716 camera_96tof1.cpp:287] Found firmware for mode: near
I0812 17:45:32.152851 4716 camera_96tof1.cpp:290] Firmware size: 10440 bytes
I0812 17:45:33.459466 4716 calibration_96tof1.cpp:376] Camera calibration parameters for mode: near are gain: 1 offset: 0
I0812 17:45:33.459908 4716 calibration_96tof1.cpp:388] Camera intrinsic parameters:
fx: 391.067
fy: 386.995
cx: 347.377
cy: 233.733
I0812 17:45:33.594604 4716 camera_96tof1.cpp:233] Chosen mode: medium
I0812 17:45:33.594679 4716 camera_96tof1.cpp:277] Camera range for mode: medium is: 300 mm and 4500 mm
I0812 17:45:33.595304 4716 camera_96tof1.cpp:287] Found firmware for mode: medium
I0812 17:45:33.595335 4716 camera_96tof1.cpp:290] Firmware size: 10388 bytes
I0812 17:45:34.881682 4716 calibration_96tof1.cpp:376] Camera calibration parameters for mode: medium are gain: 1.5 offset: 0
I0812 17:45:34.881901 4716 calibration_96tof1.cpp:388] Camera intrinsic parameters:
fx: 391.067
fy: 386.995
cx: 347.377
cy: 233.733
[aditof_camera_node-2] process has died [pid 4706, exit code -7, cmd sudo /home/pi/Downloads/aditof_sdk/build/catkin_ws/devel/lib/aditof_roscpp/aditof_camera_node __name:=aditof_camera_node __log:=/home/pi/.ros/log/ec8c5f5e-fb7b-11eb-bed7-dca63276f009/aditof_camera_node-2.log].
log file: /home/pi/.ros/log/ec8c5f5e-fb7b-11eb-bed7-dca63276f009/aditof_camera_node-2*.log
The aditof-demo example that is built does run correctly with sudo priviliges.
Thank you. Colm.
Can you please post the crash log?
Hi Andre, Attached is a copy of the ROS log directory associated with this error and the roslaunch terminal log. After reading the camera intrinsics twice the node outputs these messages before crashing:
W0817 16:56:47.391522 6351 camera_fxtof1.cpp:440] Unsupported control
E0817 16:56:47.391817 6351 aditof_utils.cpp:137] Could not set camera revision!
Thank you !
Attached files below: roslaunch_term.log