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XYZ bin file generation using tofi_compute_depth
Hi there,
We are trying to extract point cloud data from the raw frame, like wise you guys did using TOF module.
./tofi_compute_depth --I=./ADTF3175_TOF/raw_frames_release_mode3 --O=./ADTF3175_TOF/raw_frames_release_mode3/processed --CCB=./crXXX.ccb --MODE=3 --INI=config/RawToDepthAdsd3500_lr-qnative.ini --ISP_Enable=1
if we run the above command, it will gives us three different frames namely AB, Radian depth and xyz bin files right. whats the logic used to extract xyz from raw frame.
I tried using a GenerateXYZTables() function, but still not able extract same xyz frames.
Pls, help with necessary info.