Ana B.
Ana B.
Please investigate search user interfaces, with a particular focus on how diverse types of items are returned and displayed from the following sites (plus any that you think of that...
look in clarity for people on the find a project page. Let’s pull 3 examples of people working on that page, and clicking at least one tag, as the next...
This is a usability – albeit a sales usability – task. Please walk through the trial sign up flow & various landing/sales pages and look for references to how long/big...
We want to make the admin/uploads tab searchable like the admin/users tab is.
Project owners can see how many pages they have in the owner dashboard, but sometimes they're not aware of (or they forget about) the page limits for their subscription tier....
Nathan who works with Michael Lapides at the New Bedford Whaling Museum emailed us to let us know that when he was exporting some of the logs, the text and...