ion-tests copied to clipboard
Add bad binary test data for a symbol table whose child values have declared lengths that exceed the symbol table's length.
0xE0, 0x01, 0x00, 0xEA, // Binary IVM
0xE6, // 6-byte annotation wrapper
0x81, // 1 byte of annotation SIDs
0x83, // SID 3 ($ion_symbol_table)
0xD3, // 3-byte struct
0x84, // Field name SID 4 (name)
0xE7, // 7-byte annotation wrapper (error: there should only be two bytes remaining).
0x81, // Junk byte to fill the 6 bytes of the annotation wrapper and 3 bytes of the struct.
0x20 // Next top-level value (int 0).