ftv-livetv-sample-tv-app copied to clipboard
rich_tv_input_xmltv_feed.xml start stop times
Hi I have this app all working great but I cannot get my head around the start stop times in the rich_tv_input_xmltv_feed.xml well I understand how it works, ive been using xmltv for years on other systems and its pretty simple. The problem I have here is the programs end up being entered into the guide with some weird offset that I can't work out.
start="20231214224000 +0000"
stop="20231214234000 +0000"
<icon src="https://***"/>
<desc>On the panel are Angela Constance MSP, Meghan Gallacher MSP, Anas Sarwar MSP, Kate Andrews and Stephen Noon. [S] [HD]</desc>
<rating system="com.android.tv">
This is an example of one of my programs in my rich_tv_input_xmltv_feed.xml , however it just doesn't appear in the guide when it should...if the offset was always the same I'm sure I could work around that, but sometimes the offsets are a few hours, other times it will be the completely wrong day. Hopefully it's just me being stupid and missing something obvious.
I followed this from the included xmltv.dtd:
All dates and times in this DTD follow the same format, loosely based
on ISO 8601. They can be 'YYYYMMDDhhmmss' or some initial
substring, for example if you only know the year and month you can
have 'YYYYMM'. You can also append a timezone to the end; if no
explicit timezone is given, UTC is assumed. Examples:
'200007281733 BST', '200209', '19880523083000 +0300'. (BST == +0100.)
Any ideas are welcome.