user-interface-software-and-technology copied to clipboard
Architecture Critiques
- view hierarchies example and terms confusing. “Special inputs container”. Note from Savanna: Seems like maybe the text was updated while the image wasn’t. +3
- breaking up some of the longer paragraphs in this section to be less dense
- defining some more of the terms more explicitly
- Include some non screen-based examples +1
- How do interface architecture and information architecture overlap or differ?
- Have a section dedicated to term definitions. Hard to go back and find definitions while reading
- More visuals +2
- Explain parent and child widgets?
- Mouse explanation is long
- Explain why anyone would want to skin an interface
- “Advances in architecture” section felt like a cliffhanger
- What depth of understanding should designers strive for when it comes to architecture? Should designers learn frameworks? Toolkits?
- Can MVC be view driven by the visual design of an interface?
- What are toolkits, how are they used, why are they important +4
- What’s a framework? Why are they necessary or worthwhile?
- Example for Model not as clear as for View and Controller
- More purpose behind and examples for state machine and MVC
- Very dense, jargony introduction of lots of new vocab in 2nd half +3
- Maybe an example of what UI looks like from an engineer before a designer has intervened
- State machine very difficult to understand +1
- Include concrete examples of looking at state from a design perspective, such as hover for buttons
- Is there anything inevitable about how interface architecture came to be? How did we end up with the MVC paradigm?
- Did shifts in WIMP affect shifts in interface architecture?
- How are architecture conventions set for new things like voice and mixed reality?
- Some confusing phrases/terminology:
- Reverse engineered–explain what this is
- Mouse example discrete vs synthetic event
- Component vs widget
- Propagating an event
- Component hierarchy handling event
- For MVC, sign example in bullet format. Student provided rewrite:
- Grammar/typos
- “Predict edge cases in their behavior, and” (should this "and" be here?)
- “State machines also indicate the inputs that the can receive that cause them to move between different states.” (missing word?)
- "this is the &view responsibility" (formatting issue)
- "The controller gets and set s data"
- "but not a discrete event from/in a mouse’s hardware"
- In user interface toolkits, these inputs are usually called events
- How easy/difficult is it for users to adapt to a new toolkit and bridge the gulfs of execution and evaluation?
- Include gifs illustrating the nuances with the mouse button being up and down example
- Include a concrete example of when a designer would need to know how information exchange and architecture works
- What types of diagrams should designers know how to use to effectively communicate w engineers?
- How did MVC come about? What other models are there?