Amy J. Ko
Amy J. Ko
What about a chapter view that's like a traditional book layout?
Should be able to support special kinds of comments to do tracking, such as sections to update, sections to review periodically, sections needing updated expertise.
It would be nice to have them optionally numbered.
What if there was a way to press "play" on a chapter, and have it segment the chapter into full screen slides? It might be a fun alternative way to...
MathML isn't fully supported (on Chrome or Edge), but there is partial support on WebKit and Firefox. There are some polyfills: We'd need to add a syntax for including...
In addition to comments, allow bookmarks, and create a page in table of contents that shows bookmarks for easy navigation.
The current heuristics for deciding what to place in the index are too permissive. We should focus on proper nouns, recurring non-proper nouns, and anything the author adds to the...