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Astrophysical Multipurpose Software Environment. This is the main repository for AMUSE
AMUSE: The Astrophysical Multipurpose Software Environment
This repository contains the AMUSE software. With AMUSE you can write scripts to simulate astrophysical problems in different domains.
The project website is:
and the documentation can be found at:
Getting Started
In short, most probably
pip install amuse
should get you going if you have a linux or Mac were you compile codes on (HDF5 and an MPI libraries must be installed).
Below are some hints for a quick install, if these fail please look for options at the detailed descriptions of the installation procedure in the documents in the 'doc/install' directory.
To build AMUSE from source you need to have a working build environment. The AMUSE build system needs C/C++ and fortan 90 compilers, we recommend a recent version of GCC.
In Ubuntu you can setup the environment with (as root):
apt-get install build-essential curl g++ gfortran gettext zlib1g-dev
Other distributions have similar package or package groups available.
In macOS you can use the homebrew or macports package manager (both require the Apple Developer Tools and Xcode to be installed).
For a Windows 10 machine, AMUSE can be installed in the Windows Subsystem for linux (WSL), and installing e.g. Ubuntu from the Microsoft store. Its recommended to use WSL 2. For further installation instructions, see the Linux install instructions.
AMUSE needs Python 3 version >=3.5 installed preferably with pip and virtualenv. It may be necessary to update pip to a recent version. If you cannot use Python 3, legacy support for Python 2 is available in the AMUSE 12 release and the python2 branch.
Installing Prerequisites
The following libraries need to be installed:
- HDF (version 1.6.5 - 1.8.x)
- MPI (OpenMPI or MPICH)
The following are needed for some codes:
- FFTW (version >= 3.0)
- CMake (version >= 2.4)
- GMP (version >= 4.2.1)
- MPFR (version >= 2.3.1)
Installing+building AMUSE
AMUSE can be installed through pip:
pip install [--user] amuse
This will build and install AMUSE with an extensive set of codes. If necessary this will also install some required Python packages:
- Numpy (version >= 1.3.0)
- h5py (version >= 1.2.0)
- mpi4py (version >= 1.0)
- pytest (version >= 5.0)
- docutils (version >= 0.6)
If you are not using pip these must be installed by hand.
It is possible to install the minimal framework by:
pip install [--user] amuse-framework
This does not include any codes. These can be added
pip install [--user] amuse-<code name>
AMUSE Development
An AMUSE development install can also be handled through pip by executing (in the root of a clone of the repository)
pip install -e .
after this the codes need to be build:
python develop_build
Running the tests
AMUSE comes with a large set of tests, most can be run automatically. To run these tests start the py.test command from the main amuse directory (directory this README file lives in).
To run these tests do:
- install the tests
pip install [--user] amuse-tests
(this will install all tests whether or not you have installed the full amuse package)
- Run the automatic tests
pytest --pyargs -v amuse.test.suite
you can also just run the tests for the specific packages you have installed e.g.
pytest --pyargs amuse.test.suite.codes_tests.test_huayno
you may have to prefix mpiexec -n 1 --oversubscribe
to the pytest command.