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Tensorflow implementation of "Efficient Deep Learning for Stereo Matching"
This is a Tensorflow re-implementation of Luo, W., & Schwing, A. G. (n.d.). Efficient Deep Learning for Stereo Matching. (
To run
Setup data folders
│─── training
|─── ...
|─── ...
│─── testing
Start training
python --dataset kitti_2015 --patch-size 37 --disparity-range 201
- After training for 40k iterations.
- Qualitative results on validation set.
- 3-pixel error evaluation on validation set.
KITTI 2015 Stereo
Example input images
Disparity Ground-truth
Example input patches
Qualitative results
- Cost-aggregation
Without cost-aggregation
With cost-aggregation
A closer look to observe the smoothing of predictions, without cost aggregation and with respectively:
Quantitative results
To compare with results reported in paper, look at Table-5, column
.3-pixel error (%) baseline (paper) 7.13 baseline (re-implementation) 7.271 baseline + CA (paper) 6.58 baseline + CA (re-implementation) 6.527
KITTI 2012 Stereo
Qualitative results
Possible next steps
- [ ] Implement post processing to smoothen output.
- [ ] Look into error metrics and do quantitative analysis.
- [ ] Run inference on test video sequences.
- [x] Instead of the batch matrix multiplication during inference, which constructs a
B x H x W x W
tensor, use a loop to compute cost volume over the disparity range. Tensorflow VM might figure out that it should parallelise operations over the loop.