Amr Bedair
Amr Bedair
what is this ... what do you need ...!
it should be always there .... if not it will look like this do you wanna this ?
@hijarian I think it was planned to be always collapsible ... I can not see any sample of the table behavior
@bandpay how to reproduce this ... I have created a page that partially loads two views, each one contains a TbSelect2 widget ... so plz let me know how to...
you can add many columns to the extended summary ... for example ``` 'extendedSummary' => array( 'title' => 'Expertise', 'columns' => array( 'hours' => array('label'=>'Total Hours', 'class'=>'TbSumOperation'), 'language' => array(...
it is not supported, because it will require a new custom jquery.yiiactiveform.js file ... I do not know if this is a good idea ... let the community share thoughts...