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[owners] Add HSTS (Strict Transport Security)
Since this is hosted by App Engine, here's the relevant segment from AppEngine's faq.
It is possible to use Strict-Transport-Security in App Engine. In order to add HTTP Strict-Transport-Security headers (HSTS) to your app, you must implement the headers within your app's code, not within your app's config file (app.yaml or appengine-web.xml).
Unclear how necessary this is at the time being, since there is no authentication/it's public-facing and GitHub authenticates with PSK
@ampproject/wg-infra Do any of our apps use HSTS? Is there a need? I'm inclined to say there is not given the nature of the apps, but perhaps I'm missing something
It's a good extra step, regardless of how "important" the apps are, but don't overthink it. Unless it's a simple flag in GAE config, make this a fixit week task and forget about it until next year :)
That was my thought
Still relevant, let's do it next fixit
Is this relevant? There's no sensitive data present in any of the browser-accessible endpoints for the owners bot. It's just the teams, tree, and example file. What threat model would this address?
It's one extra layer of security, it's definitely not required but it does tell the world we're Professionals :D