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Iteratively Analytics SDK for browsers and Node — JavaScript & TypeScript

Iteratively SDK

Track and validate analytics with a unified, extensible interface that works with all your 3rd party analytics providers.

The Iteratively SDK and plugins for Javascript and Typescript make it easy to support analytics providers such as Amplitude, Mixpanel, Segment, Snowplow, etc. Use an existing plugin or implement your own!

The SDK also supports event validation. For JSON schema validation see @itly/plugin-schema-validator.


  • Modules
    • Core
    • Browser
    • Node
  • Usage
    • Browser
    • Node
    • Differences between Browser and Node
    • SDK Types for TypeScript
    • Event Validation
  • Create a Plugin
  • Contributing
    • Working with the project
      • Setup
      • Build
      • Lint
      • Test
      • Release
    • Add plugin modules
    • Commits


All modules are JS/TS compatible but some plugins are divided by platform (browser vs server).

Isomorphic (Browser and Node)

  • @itly/sdk
  • @itly/plugin-schema-validator

Browser Plugins

  • @itly/plugin-amplitude
  • @itly/plugin-mixpanel
  • @itly/plugin-segment
  • @itly/plugin-snowplow
  • @itly/plugin-iteratively

Node Plugins

  • @itly/plugin-amplitude-node
  • @itly/plugin-mixpanel-node
  • @itly/plugin-segment-node
  • @itly/plugin-iteratively-node



  1. Add @itly/sdk and browser plugins to your project:
    $ yarn add @itly/sdk
    $ yarn add @itly/plugin-amplitude @itly/plugin-mixpanel @itly/plugin-segment
  2. Import itly and plugins, load() configuration, and start track()ing.
    import { ItlyBrowser as Itly } from '@itly/sdk';
    import { AmplitudePlugin } from '@itly/plugin-amplitude';
    import { MixpanelPlugin } from '@itly/plugin-mixpanel';
    import { SegmentPlugin } from '@itly/plugin-segment';
    const itly = new Itly();
      context: { someGlobalValue: 'On all events' },     
      environment: 'production',
      plugins: [
        new AmplitudePlugin('AMPLITUDE-KEY'),
        new MixpanelPlugin('MIXPANEL-KEY'),
        new SegmentPlugin('SEGMENT-KEY'),
    itly.identify('anon', { userProp: 1 });
    itly.alias('some-user', 'anon');'my-group', { groupProp: 'anything' });
      name: 'My Event',
      properties: {
        'a-property': 'a value',
        someNum: 42,
        awesome: true,


  1. Add @itly/sdk and Node specific plugins to your project:
    $ yarn add @itly/sdk
    $ yarn add @itly/plugin-amplitude-node @itly/plugin-mixpanel-node @itly/plugin-segment-node
  2. Import itly and plugins, load() configuration, and start track()ing.
    import { ItlyNode as Itly } from '@itly/sdk';
    import { AmplitudePlugin } from '@itly/plugin-amplitude-node';
    import { MixpanelPlugin } from '@itly/plugin-mixpanel-node';
    import { SegmentPlugin } from '@itly/plugin-segment-node';
    const itly = new Itly();
      context: { someGlobalValue: 'On all events' },
      environment: 'production',
      plugins: [
        new AmplitudePlugin('AMPLITUDE-KEY'),
        new MixpanelPlugin('MIXPANEL-KEY'),
        new SegmentPlugin('SEGMENT-KEY'),
    const userId = 'some-user';
    itly.identify('anon', { userProp: 1 });
    itly.alias(userId, 'anon');, 'my-group', { groupProp: 'anything' });
    itly.track(userId, {
      name: 'My Event',
      properties: {
        'a-property': 'a value',
        someNum: 42,
        awesome: true,

Differences between Browser and Node

The @itly/sdk has slightly different interfaces for Browser and Node.

The Browser is single-tenant and requires a User ID only on identify and alias.

Node is multi-tenant and requires a User ID on all SDK methods including group and track.

The Plugin interface is the same on both platforms and has an (optional) User ID on all callbacks.

SDK Types for TypeScript

The @itly/sdk is isomorphic and automatically provides the implementation for your specific platform. As a result the following works great in JavaScript for both the browser and Node.js.

// Untyped Itly SDK for your platform
import { Itly } from '@itly/sdk';

Unfortunately in TypeScript this import is of type any. If you would like a strongly typed object you need to specify the platform as well.

// Strongly typed Browser SDK
import { ItlyBrowser as Itly } from '@itly/sdk';
// Strongly typed Node SDK
import { ItlyNode as Itly } from '@itly/sdk';

Event Validation

  1. Add @itly/plugin-schema-validator to your project.
    $ yarn add @itly/plugin-schema-validator
  2. Import and setup SchemaValidatorPlugin, add it to the load()ed plugins. Now all track()ed event's will be validated against their schema.
    import { Itly } from '@itly/sdk';
    import { SchemaValidatorPlugin } from '@itly/plugin-schema-validator';
    const itly = new Itly();
      validation: {
        disabled: false,
        trackInvalid: false,
        errorOnInvalid: false,
      plugins: [
        new SchemaValidatorPlugin(
            'My Event': {"type":"object","properties":{"numToValidate":{"type":"integer","maximum":10}},"additionalProperties":false,"required":["propToValidate"]},
            'Another event for something': {...},
    // Validates and tracks
    itly.track({ name: 'My Event', properties: { numToValidate: 5 }});
    // Validation error on Event data that doesn't match schema
    itly.track({ name: 'My Event', properties: {}});
    itly.track({ name: 'My Event', properties: { numToValidate: 20 }});
    itly.track({ name: 'My Event', properties: { unsupportedProp: 'will cause error' }});
    // Validation error for Event missing schema
    itly.track({ name: 'No schema' });

Create an Itly Plugin

  1. Extend the Plugin class and override some or all of the lifecycle hooks. Alternatively you can implement the full Plugin interface.
    import itly, {
      Event, Options, Properties, Plugin, Properties, ValidationResponse,
    } from '@itly/sdk';
    class CustomPlugin extends Plugin {
      constructor() {
      load(options: PluginLoadOptions): void {...}
      alias(userId: string, previousId?: string): void {...}
      group(userId: string | undefined, groupId: string, properties?: Properties): void {...}
      identify(userId?: string, properties?: Properties): void {...}
      page(userId?: string, category?: string, name?: string, properties?: Properties): void {...}
      reset(): void {...}
      flush(): void {...}
      track(userId: string | undefined, event: ItlyEvent): void {...}
      validate(event: Event): ValidationResponse {...}
  2. Add your Plugin to plugins during itly.load().
      plugins: [new CustomPlugin()],


Working with the project

This project uses Lerna and Yarn workspaces to manage multiple modules.

package.json includes setup, build, lint, test, and release scripts that call the necessary lerna and yarn commands.

  1. Setup

    Before building the first time, and any time you add a new module, you need to run yarn setup. This will install dependencies, create symlinks for the local modules, and allow you to develop against the local copy of the @itly modules rather than having to publish new versions for each change.

    $ yarn setup
  2. Build

    If you have already run setup you can use build to compile all modules.

    $ yarn build
  3. Lint

    $ yarn lint
  4. Test

    $ yarn test
  5. Release

    Authenticate with the registry, then run the release script to update the module versions, changelog, and publish them to Gemfury.

    $ npm login --registry=
    $ yarn release

Creating plugin modules

There are hygen templates for creating a new plugin.

hygen plugin new <name> will create a new plugin module.

  1. Install hygen

    $ brew tap jondot/tap
    $ brew install hygen
  2. Generate new plugin with hygen plugin new <name>. You will be prompted to set the author, base SDK(@itly/sdk, @itly/sdk-node), and SDK version range for the new plugin.

    ~/itly-sdk $ hygen plugin new awesome-analytics
    ✔ Author? · Iteratively
    ✔ Itly SDK? · @itly/sdk
    ✔ Itly SDK version? · ^2.0.0
    Loaded templates: _templates
      added: packages/plugin-awesome-analytics/.npmignore
      added: packages/plugin-awesome-analytics/lib/index.ts
      added: packages/plugin-awesome-analytics/package.json
      added: packages/plugin-awesome-analytics/tsconfig.json
  3. Extend the Itly Plugin class in packages/<name>/lib/index.ts

    $ open packages/plugin-awesome-analytics/lib/index.ts


itly-sdk uses convential commits, a structured commit message format, to make managing our releases easier and provide better documentation. Commit messages are restricted to conventional commits format via husky.

Thanks for your contributions!