Baofeng-UV-5RM-5RH-RE copied to clipboard
Reverse Engineering of Baofeng UV-5RM/UV-5RH
I did some rev engineering on the firmware 5RH_NRF_Fangti_V0.14_231124.BF to figure out how to unlock all channels. The external flash location 0xF255 contains a value that sets the limits, with...
baofeng releases the upgrade version of uv5rm lately , adds gps module and aprs function. it should be useful for those who wanna discover this stuff. from now i know...
Hello, as the E-mail address in commits is probably not working and I was not able to contact repo owner directly, I attach here just a small update for potential...
Hello, lovely people! Hi there, I was just wondering if it's possible to deactivate the TX on the device? We'd love to give the device to our youth group so...
Hi, a documentation change should be made on the first lines of clearly stating there is presently no opensource firmware for this radio. Because RADIODDITY started market this radio...
按住数字键8+开机后会显示属性屏幕,能看到BK,FK,NRF,L这几个代号。 那个属性屏幕是这个样子: 5RH(代号) VER:(固件版本) BF BK,FK通刷,FK刷高版本后会变为BK。 L版本也能刷BK固件,低版本严禁直接升高版本,目前群友测试06-14变白,07-11正常。 L版本已经变砖的可以刷5RHL_AT1846S_V0.07_230918就砖 目前尚不清楚这些代号和硬件的关系 但我支持200mhz发射的5RM在这个属性页面显示的也是5RH 希望这个QQ群里群友的发现能帮助到你
Thank you for your work