Alexis Montoison
Alexis Montoison
It's an excellent idea @tmigot, I didn't find the time to look at `SparseMatricesCOO.jl` but we should use it as a dependency of `NLPModelsJuMP.jl`.
@bharswami I cross-compiled SPRAL on Windows for you: [SPRAL.v2023.9.7.x86_64-windows.tar.gz]( You will find static and shared libraries (`libspral.a` and `libspral.dll`) as well as all dependencies required by SPRAL (`deps` folder).
MinGW generates static libraries on Windows as `*.a` but you can rename them `*.lib`.
Can you try with the dynamic shared library? Ipopt is compiled with `libspral.dll` in Julia and it's working.
Can you also provide your compilers (C, C++ and Fortran)?
Oh, you need the import libraries (.lib or .dll.a) and not static libraries .a. I can send you the .dll.a files but you must use `gfortran` because I cross-compiled with...
[SPRAL.v2023.9.7.x86_64-w64-mingw32-libgfortran5.tar.gz]( No, only gcc / gfortran / g++ is available in the cross-compiler.
Yes, I can. I hope that it will help you. [](
@bharswami Can you try to compiler SPRAL with the new Meson build system on Windows?
Can you build and test SPRAL on your windows PC with the meson build system?