RAPter copied to clipboard
Throw Segmentation fault (core dumped)
I run it with scripts/ratpter.py and i also change the cloud.ply path to be in one of the data input folder "empire". It keeps throwing to me segmentation fault. What is the best way to run the data? Am i doing something wrong?
$ python rapter.py -s 0.01
--popLimit 5 will keep all primitives, that have more than this number of assigned points --spatial 0.100 /home/graphicslab/Downloads/RAPter-spatially_smooth/RAPter/build/Release/bin/rapter --segment3D --scale 0.010000 --angle-limit 0.261799 --angle-gens 0,90 --patch-pop-limit 5 --dist-limit-mult 1.000000 --cloud /home/graphicslab/Downloads/rapterData/empire/cloud.ply RUN [segmentCli]: Usage: /home/graphicslab/Downloads/RAPter-spatially_smooth/RAPter/build/Release/bin/rapter --segment --cloud /home/graphicslab/Downloads/rapterData/empire/cloud.ply --scale 0.01 [--mode representative_sqr |representative_sqr] [--angle-limit 0.261799] [--dist-limit-mult 1] [--angle-gens 090] [--no-paral] [--pop-limit 5] Filters patches smaller than this. [-v, --verbose]
Segmentation fault (core dumped) ('call returned error ', 139, ', aborting')
I have the same problem, have you solved it?
Thanks in advance.
Hi, it's hard to tell from here. Have you checked if it's because it can't find the visualizer executable (e.g. it wasn't compiled successfully?) or because your cloud.ply is in an incorrect format?