Yes, this is an issue I have encountered on numerous devices. Often times, you can execute only one single heimdall command and then you have to reboot to download mode...
On a few older samsung devices the recovery partition was not RECOVERY, but Kernel2, so try `sudo ./heimdall flash --Kernel2 twrp.img` Otherwise, was does the pit file information say? You...
This is a misconception about what heimdall does. Heimdall only flashes a partition image to a partition with a given name. I have flashed a lot of samsung devices with...
OK, don't know... Sorry.
That sounds great, @beroset! I am thinking about merging this in my [fork]( Which was the other change that you needed for heimdall to work with your device? What was...
> After I clean up my code a bit, I'll create a fork and a pull request. That would be awesome! Thanks for the hints. Why the need to flash...
Oh, I have come across this issue quite a few times with a few different devices. I believe it is also somewhat known and you'll read about other users reporting...
I'd recommend to simply get a binary compiled with the necessary fixes and to use it directly. [Here]( is the one I compiled a while back. It should work on...
What is trying to install what to which system's volume? What did you try and what command did you issue?
I see. Well since heimdall pretty much is an abandoned project and the file you are referring to is from 2015, I don't think there is much hope in getting...