opcache-gui copied to clipboard
PHP 8.1 502 Bad Gateway
after i switch from PHP 8.0 to 8.1 i got a 502 Bad Gateway after calling your Script. is this a possible bug, or do I need to set something else?
Hi @Mich-es; no, using PHP 8.1 shouldn't cause a problem like that. As you can see from this screenshot, I've got 8.1 running and it fired up just fine. Might be something in the platform or configuration, of course, but I'm unsure as to what and it really depends on how you've got things set up (and it's unlikely I'm doing things in the same way).
I also experienced "502 Bad Gateway". I manage 3 independent web servers. It happened in 2 of them. The common denominator was keeping the opcache-gui index page open. I fixed it by restarting apache. I have a feeling jit is involved.
私も「502 Bad Gateway」を経験しました。 3台の独立したwebサーバーを管理していますが、 そのうち2台で発生しました。 共通点はopcache-guiのindexページを開いたままにしていたことです。 apacheを再起動したら直りました。 jitが関係している気がします。
I have a feeling it happens when you set opcache.jit_buffer_size to 0 or higher. PHP 8.1
apache error message
AH00052: child pid 29470 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you!
Sounds like a bug with Zend OP Cache and/or Apache, so probably very little I can do about it. I can try playing around with it, though, and see if I can replicate, but I'm not holding out much hope, tbh!