that means the user doesn't have an email. they probably signed up with a phone number On May 26, 2016 10:23 AM, "cognitivaxx" [email protected] wrote: > In the user table,...
Then I don't know. You'll have to dump the data you get from facebook and check if you're actually getting an email. ``` php print_r($attributes); exit; ```
Hmmm ... is it possible that the first time you authenticated, it didn't ask for email permission? Then the next time you changed the scope to ask for email, but...
override the `setRegisterAttributes` function
Could you post the error please?
Uhhhh what's the actual error message? I see only the stack trace Well, looking at the first line `in D:\wamp\www\basic\vendor\sfedosimov\yii2-oci8pdo\Oci8PDO.php:93` It looks like it's failing to connect to your db....
You still haven't given me any information. What's the error message? Have you tried walking through the code and seeing what's happening? I really can't do much more than make...
Yes, you could [extend the controller]( and then override the [actionDelete](
hi sorry, but i haven't worked on this extension for many years now and havent kept up to date with yii2 in general a quick google search suggests that you...
hmm my initial thought is that you need to add the corresponding `rules` so that they can be validated and safely stored