Andrew James
Andrew James
Sorry about that, I forgot the order of these when I started the merge. Good thing the bot did not let it go through!
Would be very difficult to enable the syntax for permutations to work with slices? I took a look under the hood, but wasn't able to work anything out. Here is...
@nikitaved I think my PRs will clear up any of the outstanding numpy dependency check failures. However the failures like: ``` Test results will be stored in test-reports/python-unittest/test_public_bindings test_correct_module_names (__main__.TestPublicBindings)...
@nikitaved ROCM support is still WIP for triton, some things are working apparently but I would say it is a beta feature at this point and we might not be...
To clarify if the tensordot function is working correctly; When you use the correct axes arguments is the error raised? The if `xtensordot` implementation is faithful to `np.tensordot` then ```c++...
I do have ideas for xtensor einsum. I think that there are very interesting possibilities for doing partial path optimization at compile time, though that would require a divergence from...
This looks fine from my end. I don't know if we have a label to skip functional testing and only apply the linter job, but as long as the linter...
@pytorchbot merge
@pytorchbot merge -f "unrelated failure"