Android-Debug-Database icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Android-Debug-Database copied to clipboard

JCenter is shutting down

Open makvasic opened this issue 3 years ago • 8 comments

JCenter is getting shut down in May

makvasic avatar Feb 04 '21 12:02 makvasic

Right now jCenter is down, I think it hast to be an error... where else can we find it?

sebasira avatar Mar 16 '21 19:03 sebasira

I'm using jitpack!

sebasira avatar Mar 16 '21 19:03 sebasira

I already have in my project, but for some reason Android-Debug-Database is not working when I remove jcenter from the project. It looks like may be returning a 403 Forbidden? I might try it with an empty project later, but I also tried moving to the top and had the same result.

Will5 avatar Mar 16 '21 22:03 Will5

You need to change the way you declare your dependency, when using jitpack. In this case it's like:

implementation 'com.github.amitshekhariitbhu.Android-Debug-Database:debug-db:v1.0.6'

sebasira avatar Mar 17 '21 11:03 sebasira

Thanks, you are right; I missed the addition of .Android-Debug-Database 🙂

Will5 avatar Mar 17 '21 15:03 Will5

Maybe update the readme then.

Sayum24 avatar Nov 26 '21 09:11 Sayum24


It would be great to have the readme updated. Save someone else the hustle..

Boxroma avatar May 25 '22 21:05 Boxroma

VERY IMPORTANT notice about this

Never ever use implementation use debugImplementation. This silly mistake cost me my entire Google Play Developer account shutdown with all my apps. I try and try to reach to Google to amend this, but the bots consider my app as a malware (because of the DataBase access) and that's a violation to their Policy.

Of course my intention was never that, but even after many month of trying to reach a human being at Google, to explain and get back my developer account, I did not succeed.

If you are reading this and work at Google and want to lend me a hand on this, I would greatly appreciate it!

sebasira avatar May 26 '22 13:05 sebasira