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Add filtering of special fonts
Some videos use special fonts that Blocktube doesn't catch, here some examples:
Normal font: A, N Special font: 𝘼, ℕ
And so on...
Is it possible to add this?
(By adding I mean, blocking based on words independently of the font, to be clear)
Unfortunately they are not special fonts, they are different characters alltogether. That's why they are not caught.
A whole character replacement map for each font would need to be built-in, which would likely cause problems/conflicts with foreign languages.
The "Arial" font, have atleast 62 different "lookalike" variations to replace the letter A with alone.. (and that's without lowercase variations) Example: ÄÅÁÀ@ÂÃĀĂĄƋǞǠȂǺȦɄΆΑαАӐӒᴀᵃḀẢẤẦẨẪẬẮẰẲẴẶἈἊἉἋἌἍἎἏᾈᾉᾊᾋᾌᾍᾎᾏᾸᾹᾺΆᾼ₳ꜲꜸ
Too bad, I guess the best would be letting YouTube deal with it, but like you said, if foreign languages use it, we're screwed then.
If you use this, you will not be able to block foreign languages.