betterOptionsTrading copied to clipboard
This repository has 2 userscripts. (1) To add features to (2) To add features to
Whenever Auto SL order is placed, it places a SL limit order with the right price. However I do not see the buttons to trail or save profit. Is there...
hey Amit, can you pls consider this request :) Currently Only way you can set an alert in zerodha kite, is to goto/search for stock option and set an alert,...
Hi I cant see this getting executed on kite zerodha page. I can see all strategies and build a new strategy based on positions but as soon as I filter...
We already have an option for the validity of the order, like cancel if it does not execute in X minutes. Can we have an option to place an order...
Its a big issue as suppose i have to apply 4 label on a script i have to take 8 action for that (Just double ) every time when you...
So now if I want to apply 4 label on a script i need to do 8 actions (4 for typing script and 4 due to page reload and enabling...
the + sybmol next to script get overlayed by Kite 3 dots menu of script whe you 2 or 3 label So i guess either this should always be fixed...
Hi there, Thank you so much for this tool. May I please request a feature for Upstox? Can you please have the Overall P&L for all the position(s) that one...
Can you check if following can be done for Iceberg orders 1. Auto SL 2. Trail and Save Profit
Hi team, I am trying to install the Zerodha extension for Chrome - Version 117.0.5938.132 (Official Build) (64-bit)) Windows 11 Home. Kindly help on this.