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Error on build when importing from GitHub
I get the following error message when checking out the code from GitHub:
Unable to find method 'org.gradle.api.file.ProjectLayout.directoryProperty(Lorg/gradle/api/provider/Provider;)Lorg/gradle/api/file/DirectoryProperty;'. Possible causes for this unexpected error include: Gradle's dependency cache may be corrupt (this sometimes occurs after a network connection timeout.) Re-download dependencies and sync project (requires network)
The state of a Gradle build process (daemon) may be corrupt. Stopping all Gradle daemons may solve this problem. Stop Gradle build processes (requires restart)
Your project may be using a third-party plugin which is not compatible with the other plugins in the project or the version of Gradle requested by the project.
In the case of corrupt Gradle processes, you can also try closing the IDE and then killing all Java processes.
I have the same problem, does anybody have the solution?
Did you accidentally press "Update Gradle" when you loaded the project? Have you tried using Clean Project in the Build menu?
Hey @amirzaidi
Yes, that was the actually what i did. Few hours after the last post i solved it, but forget to write an update.