bash-mardom-azar icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
bash-mardom-azar copied to clipboard

بشِ مردم آزار!

What's this?!

bash-mardom-azar (Persian: بشِ مردم آزار) is a persian fork of bash-insulter

Randomly insults the user when typing wrong command.

Change insults as needed :)

Note: Use a terminal with rtl support like konsole

amir@qwerty:~ $ sl

  تلاشت قابل تحسین بود! (:

-bash: sl: command not found
amir@qwerty:~ $ gti status

  این چیه نوشتی آخه؟!!!! :|

-bash: gti: command not found
amir@qwerty:~ $ sp aux

 اسکار تایپیست سال میرسه به... amir!

-bash: sp: command not found


git clone
sudo cp bash-mardom-azar/src/bash.command-not-found /etc/

Then source the file automatically for new logins by adding the following to /etc/bash.bashrc or any of the other locations where you can configure your shell automatically during login (zsh have different config files):

if [ -f /etc/bash.command-not-found ]; then
    . /etc/bash.command-not-found

Login again and type some invalid commands for the effects to be visible.