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PrimeCalendar copied to clipboard

PrimeCalendar provides all of the java.util.Calendar functionalities for Persian, Hijri, and ... dates. It is also possible to convert dates to each other.

Results 5 PrimeCalendar issues
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Since Hijri calendar is lunar, calculations performed well in advance never hold up. This is just the way lunar cycles work and there is no way around that. However, there...

HI. i create a calendar from this library. But when I take the date as millisecond from 30 esfand, it is equal to 1 farvardin **1774081800000** I checked and found...

Hi, I have a suggestion to add event feature Now that all the systems are connected to the Internet, I suggest you implement the connection with the calendar APIs, in...

Hi When you set the month value for the calendar, it starts from 0. In my opinion, if it starts from 1, it will help more... Exp: fun main() {...

When you click "To" without selecting "From", you can't go back to "From" to select it