Alain Miniussi
Alain Miniussi
Hi, sorry for the delay. One request though: do you think you could add a test to check that case ? Thanks
Ok, this is going to be tedious :neutral_face:
Opened branch `bugfix/122-32b-buffer-size`
@francescopt Can I use you test code in a test ? Thanks
Things are more annoying than expected, since the 32 bit limit is an MPI standard limit (all buf sizes are specified as int). There might be a work-around (not using...
The first "solution", since this problem appears for serialized type (I mean, for basic type, they're plain MPI issue, doesn't mean we should not deal with it at some point)...
Page size looks a little big. Underlying implementation will use different types of communication (with remote buffer on on send for small, two steps (size+workload) for bigger coms etc.) The...
The long term fix could be different, for example it could be based on Probe.
Hi, Do you have an actual example ? I'm not sure I see a case where it should reply anything else than 1. Thanks
I guess not, probably need to move to MPI_IMprobe. But I need o read 3.8 more carefully (I hate that section...)