The app "Tower Collector" from @zamojski has an option to capture "neighboring cells". It seems like cells tell the phone the next cell ID to hop over. Can our app...
I think a numbering in the ranking would be nice. So we don't have to count ;-) Also I think of a separate "unique cells" ranking. What brings us forward...
> does that mean they actually imported MLS data? @mvglasow Yes, they did. That's a confirming tweet from March 30:
I do agree that importing their data (MLS and OpenWLANmap) would help us in actually have devs. and services use our service. But: before we start importing/merging data we should...
I like your ideas @mvglasow but how do those people on the ground know which ID a cell tower has? I mean they probably can't read it in most cases....
Wou you are right. I didn't know that that would work. I kind of fear asking the OSM community. Some of them can sometimes be quite weird. Advertising in a...
@mvglasow Shouldn't we even be able to calculate cell tower location on the server side? I mean once we have lets say 3 or 5 measurements of a particular cell...
I think the fact that we share raw data is rather an issue than a feature. We should that address in #129 and stop to share it. @wish7code can you...
I fixed it myself. I had to uninstall the app, reboot and then instqll it again.
I still have some issues. Now it happens that only the app in the foreground gets GPS. When I have Satstat on the screen it gets satellites. When I switch...