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Where and Where_document syntax
Unable to use Where
and Where_document
because in code it's just Map<String,String> but in the documentation it's something like:
{ "metadata_field": { "$nin": ["value1", "value2", "value3"] } }
Can you provide example how to use them from the library?
@byflostter33, apologies for that oversight. $in
, $nin
was rolled out with 0.4.9 last night, so I haven't had a chance to catch up :).
Can you do a PR for this, or just wait a day or two for me to get to this?
it's fine for me to wait
actually I'm looking for something like ' please give me all documents that not in list of id (1,2,3) '
@byflostter33, is it safe to assume that this list of Ids you mentioned above is stored in metadata?
Gotcha. Well that is a bit of a different case of filtering. By default when you use query/get you can specify which Ids you want but not invert.
As a workaround, you can consider adding IDs in the metadata. But ideally, you shouldn't care about Ids unless it is about updating/deleting documents. Try to figure out a strategy that involves metadata as opposed to IDs.
due to I need more filtering like ids but not only them - will wait for $in $nin
From my perspective - it's better use not Map<String,String> but something more complex - to haveability to create any type of criteria of search for where
and where_document
Hey, I need Where builder, I saw your overhaul(0.2.0) branch. How can I use the filter operator with the current version (0.1.5)?
I made a workaround in Kotlin
class WhereBuilder private constructor()
private val filter = JsonObject()
fun eq(field: String, value: Any): WhereBuilder
return operation("\$eq", field, value)
fun gt(field: String, value: Any): WhereBuilder
return operation("\$gt", field, value)
fun gte(field: String, value: Any): WhereBuilder
return operation("\$gte", field, value)
fun lt(field: String, value: Any): WhereBuilder
return operation("\$lt", field, value)
fun lte(field: String, value: Any): WhereBuilder
return operation("\$lte", field, value)
fun ne(field: String, value: Any): WhereBuilder
return operation("\$ne", field, value)
fun `in`(field: String, value: List<Any?>): WhereBuilder
return operation("\$in", field, value)
fun nin(field: String, value: List<Any?>): WhereBuilder
return operation("\$nin", field, value)
fun and(vararg builders: WhereBuilder): WhereBuilder
val jsonArray = JsonArray()
for (builder in builders)
filter.add("\$and", jsonArray)
return this
fun or(vararg builders: WhereBuilder): WhereBuilder
val jsonArray = JsonArray()
for (builder in builders)
filter.add("\$or", jsonArray)
return this
private fun operation(operation: String, field: String, value: Any): WhereBuilder
val innerFilter = JsonObject()
if (value is List<*>)
val jsonArray = JsonArray()
for (o in value)
if (o is String) jsonArray.add(o.toString())
else if (o is Int) jsonArray.add(o)
else if (o is Float) jsonArray.add(o)
else if (o is Boolean) jsonArray.add(o)
throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type: " + if (o == null) "null" else
innerFilter.add(operation, jsonArray)
innerFilter.addProperty(operation, value.toString())
filter.add(field, innerFilter) // Gson handles various value types
return this
fun build(): JsonObject
return filter
companion object
fun create(): WhereBuilder
return WhereBuilder()
class WhereDocumentBuilder private constructor()
private val filter = JsonObject()
fun contains(value: String): WhereDocumentBuilder
return operation("\$contains", value)
fun notContains(value: String): WhereDocumentBuilder
return operation("\$not_contains", value)
fun and(vararg builders: WhereDocumentBuilder): WhereDocumentBuilder
val jsonArray = JsonArray()
for (builder in builders)
filter.add("\$and", jsonArray)
return this
fun or(vararg builders: WhereDocumentBuilder): WhereDocumentBuilder
val jsonArray = JsonArray()
for (builder in builders)
filter.add("\$or", jsonArray)
return this
private fun operation(operation: String, value: Any): WhereDocumentBuilder
filter.addProperty(operation, value.toString()) // Gson handles various value types
return this
fun build(): JsonObject
return filter
companion object
fun create(): WhereDocumentBuilder
return WhereDocumentBuilder()
fun Collection.queryElite(
emF: EmbeddingFunction,
queryTexts: List<String?>?,
nResults: Int?,
where: JsonObject?,
whereDocument: JsonObject?,
include: List<IncludeEnum?>?
): QueryResponse?
val apiClient = ApiClient()
var api: DefaultApi? = null
val body = QueryEmbedding()
api = DefaultApi(apiClient)
apiClient.httpClient.newBuilder().readTimeout(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS).writeTimeout(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS).build()
body.queryEmbeddings(emF.createEmbedding(queryTexts) as List<Any?>)
if (where != null)
where.asMap() as Map<String, Any>?
if (whereDocument != null)
body.whereDocument(whereDocument.asMap() as Map<String, Any>?)
val gson = Gson()
val json = gson.toJson(api.getNearestNeighbors(body,
return Gson().fromJson(json,