FunDapter copied to clipboard
Simplify Adapter creation for your Android ListViews.
hi i am using fundapter and show j son data in list view now i want to put a edit text and filter list view by inserting a text by...
> Error:Module 'com.github.amigold.fundapter2:library:1.01' depends on one or more Android Libraries but is a jar
Hello Friend, i made this program to fetch data from Mysql database now i want to access the value of (**item.praveen)**object from which we fetch data from server. please tell...
Can you provide me with an example of addProgressBarField? Please
how to hide any view from listview. kindly help me regarding this issue if any one knows the solution. otherwise suggest another way to set id and status of every...
Hi, can you help me how to find a certain item's textView. For example I have a listView with some items and every item is made of 3 textViews (name,...
Hi Ami, I used your library and found out that you used the ic_launcher icon as well. It wouldn't compile, unless I did a change with the icon or add...
Could you push all the latest commits up to maven central in a new version?