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vrb in `plot_trace` with external vector not working

Open martinmacias opened this issue 1 year ago • 1 comments


When using the plot_trace function, one cannot use a vector even though it has a string. The documentation mentions one can use a vector, however.

Here is my code:

var<-"measure1" plot_trace(data = imp, vrb = var)

This yields an error:

Error in dplyr::select(): ! Can't subset columns that don't exist. ✖ Column var doesn't exist.

When checking the plot_trace function itself, I noticed it uses substitute inside. I think that is the problem, although not entirely sure. It is probably my lack of familiarity with the substitute function.

Any help would be appreciated!

martinmacias avatar Feb 19 '24 19:02 martinmacias

Hi @martinmacias, thanks for pointing this out! I have reproduced the error, but didn't find a solution so far. So I provided some alternatives for now, see below.

@pepijnvink could you please take a look at the issue?

imp <- mice(nhanes, print = FALSE)
# reproduce the error
x <- "bmi"
plot_trace(imp, x)
#> Error in `dplyr::select()` at ggmice package/R/plot_trace.R:29:4:
#> ! Can't subset columns that don't exist.
#> ✖ Column `x` doesn't exist.
#> Backtrace:
#>      ▆
#>   1. ├─ggmice::plot_trace(imp, x)
#>   2. │ ├─dplyr::select(...) at ggmice package/R/plot_trace.R:29:4
#>   3. │ └─
#>   4. │   └─tidyselect::eval_select(expr(c(...)), data = .data, error_call = error_call)
#>   5. │     └─tidyselect:::eval_select_impl(...)
#>   6. │       ├─tidyselect:::with_subscript_errors(...)
#>   7. │       │ └─rlang::try_fetch(...)
#>   8. │       │   └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
#>   9. │       └─tidyselect:::vars_select_eval(...)
#>  10. │         └─tidyselect:::walk_data_tree(expr, data_mask, context_mask)
#>  11. │           └─tidyselect:::eval_c(expr, data_mask, context_mask)
#>  12. │             └─tidyselect:::reduce_sels(node, data_mask, context_mask, init = init)
#>  13. │               └─tidyselect:::walk_data_tree(new, data_mask, context_mask)
#>  14. │                 └─tidyselect:::as_indices_sel_impl(...)
#>  15. │                   └─tidyselect:::as_indices_impl(...)
#>  16. │                     └─tidyselect:::chr_as_locations(x, vars, call = call, arg = arg)
#>  17. │                       └─vctrs::vec_as_location(...)
#>  18. └─vctrs (local) `<fn>`()
#>  19.   └─vctrs:::stop_subscript_oob(...)
#>  20.     └─vctrs:::stop_subscript(...)
#>  21.       └─rlang::abort(...)

# some failed potential solutions
plot_trace(imp, eval(rlang::expr(x)))
#> Error in `dplyr::select()` at ggmice package/R/plot_trace.R:29:4:
#> ! Problem while evaluating `eval(rlang::expr(x))`.
#> Caused by error:
#> ! could not find function "eval"
#> Backtrace:
#>      ▆
#>   1. ├─ggmice::plot_trace(imp, eval(rlang::expr(x)))
#>   2. │ ├─dplyr::select(...) at ggmice package/R/plot_trace.R:29:4
#>   3. │ └─
#>   4. │   └─tidyselect::eval_select(expr(c(...)), data = .data, error_call = error_call)
#>   5. │     └─tidyselect:::eval_select_impl(...)
#>   6. │       ├─tidyselect:::with_subscript_errors(...)
#>   7. │       │ └─rlang::try_fetch(...)
#>   8. │       │   └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
#>   9. │       └─tidyselect:::vars_select_eval(...)
#>  10. │         └─tidyselect:::walk_data_tree(expr, data_mask, context_mask)
#>  11. │           └─tidyselect:::eval_c(expr, data_mask, context_mask)
#>  12. │             └─tidyselect:::reduce_sels(node, data_mask, context_mask, init = init)
#>  13. │               └─tidyselect:::walk_data_tree(new, data_mask, context_mask)
#>  14. │                 └─tidyselect:::eval_context(expr, context_mask, call = error_call)
#>  15. │                   ├─tidyselect:::with_chained_errors(...)
#>  16. │                   │ └─rlang::try_fetch(...)
#>  17. │                   │   ├─base::tryCatch(...)
#>  18. │                   │   │ └─base (local) tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
#>  19. │                   │   │   └─base (local) tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
#>  20. │                   │   │     └─base (local) doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
#>  21. │                   │   └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
#>  22. │                   └─rlang::eval_tidy(as_quosure(expr, env), context_mask)
#>  23. └─base::.handleSimpleError(...)
#>  24.   └─rlang (local) h(simpleError(msg, call))
#>  25.     └─handlers[[1L]](cnd)
#>  26.       └─rlang::abort(msg, call = call, parent = cnd)
plot_trace(imp, !!x)
#> Error: object 'x' not found

# some alternatives that do work
plot_trace(imp, bmi)

plot_trace(imp, "bmi")

plot_trace(imp, c("bmi"))

Created on 2024-02-20 with reprex v2.0.2

hanneoberman avatar Feb 20 '24 09:02 hanneoberman