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Use gherkin in your unit tests with vitest


I'm working on it but you can take a look on docs website.

vitest-cucumber is a vitest tools (not a plugin) inspired by jest-cucumber.

Goal is to write unit test using Gherkin feature file and checking scenario name, missing scenario step etc.


npm install @amiceli/vitest-cucumber -D

It's enough you don't to add or update a config file.


In examples folder you can read tests using vitest-cucumber in a Vue project.

vitest-cucumber isn't only for Vue, it's just an example ;).


First write your feature file. By example :

Feature: Improve my unit tests
    Scenario: Use vitest-cucumber in my unit tests
        Given Developer using feature file
        And   Using vitest-cucumber
        When  I run my unit tests
        Then  I know if I forgot a scenario

Now you can write unit tests with vitest-cucumber.

Foe example :

import { loadFeature, describeFeature } from '@amiceli/vitest-cucumber'
import { expect } from 'vitest'

const feature = await loadFeature('path/to/my/file.feature')

describeFeature(feature, ({ Scenario }) => {
    Scenario('Use vitest-cucumber in my unit tests', ({ Given, When, Then, And }) => {
        Given('Developer using feature file', () => {
        And('sing vitest-cucumber', () => {
            // ...
        When('I run my unit tests', () => {
            // ...
        Then('I know if I forgot a scenario', () => {
            // ...


When you run your test with vitest, vitest-cucumber will check :

  • if you forget a Scenario or a Scenario Outline
  • if you use correct Scenario description
  • if you forgot a Scenario step
  • if you use a wrong Scenario step type
  • missing variables value in Scenario Outline
  • missing variables name in Scenario Outline steps

For example, if you forgot to write :

When('I run my unit tests', () => {
    // ...

It will throw When I run my unit tests was not called.

NB : loadFeature and loadFeatures allow to use relative path since 3.2.3 version ;).

Generate spec file from feature file

Since 3.2.2 vitest-cucumber provide a script to generate spec file from feature file.

You can use it like this :

node node_modules/@amiceli/vitest-cucumber/scripts/cli-generate.cjs <path-to-feature> <path-to-spec>

An example :

node node_modules/@amiceli/vitest-cucumber/scripts/cli-generate.cjs features/example.feature src/__tests__/example.spec.ts

You just have to format spec file after this script ;).

Currently it generates TS file, if you need more options open an issue ;).

describeFeature options

describeFeature allow optionnal options to ignore Scenario, Scenario Outline, Rule according a tag.

Gherkin example :

Feature: detect uncalled rules
    Scenario: Me I am executed
        Given vitest-cucumber is running
        Then I am executed
    Rule: executed rule
        Scenario: I am also executed
            Given vitest-cucumber is running
            Then  my parent rule is called
        Scenario: Ignored scenario
            Given vitest-cucumber is running
            Then  I am ignored

An example, ignore Rule with @another-tag :

describeFeature(feautre, () => {
    // ...
}, { excludeTags : ['another-tag']}) // you can use many tags

This will ignore Rule and its Scenario / Scenario Outline.

Scenario Outline and Examples

An example of feature file with Scenario Outline and Examples :

Feature: Detect image ratio from width and height

    Scenario Outline: Detect image ratio when upload image
        Given As a user in an awesome project
        When  I upload an image <width>px on <height>px
        Then  I see my image <ratio>

            | width | height | ratio |
            | 100   | 100    | 1     |
            | 150   | 300    | 2     |

You can use variables in your ScenarioOutline callback. A ScenarioOutline is executed X times according to X variables.

describeFeature(feature, ({ ScenarioOutline }) => {
    ScenarioOutline(`Detect image ratio when upload image`, ({ Given, When, Then }, variables) =>{
        Given(`As a user in an awesome project`, () => {})
        When(` I upload an image <width>px on <height>px`, () => {
            // varaibles.width can be 100 or 150
            // varaibles.height can be 100 or 300
            // varaibles.ratio can be 1 or 2
        Then(`I see my image <ratio>`, () => { })

For example, first time variables are :

    "width": 100,
    "height": 100,
    "ratio": 1,

And next test :

    "width": 150,
    "height": 300,
    "ratio": 2,


Since 3.0.0 version, vitest-cucumber allow to use Rule.

A feature file example with rules :

Feature: Run tests with Rule
    Scenario: I'm feature's scenario
        Given I use vitest-cucumber
        Then  It know I come from a Feature

    Rule: I've specific Scenario
        Scenario: I'm rule's scenario
            Given I use vitest-cucumber
            Then  It know I come from a Rule

And you can use it in your test :

describeFeature(feature, ({ Rule, Scenario }) => {
    Scenario("I'm feature's scenario", () => {
        // ...
    Rule(`I've specific Scenario`, ({ RuleScenario, RuleScenarioOutline }) =>{
        RuleScenario("I'm rule's scenario", () => {
            // ...

IMPORTANT: in your feature file, your feature Scenario must be written before rule Scenario.

If you write like this :

Feature: Run tests with Rule
    Rule: I've specific Scenario
        Scenario: I'm rule's scenario
            Given I use vitest-cucumber
            Then  It know I come from a Rule
    Scenario: I'm feature's scenario
        Given I use vitest-cucumber
        Then  It know I come from a Feature

vitest-cucumber doesn't use indentation, is too complex for a little bring.

So In this case I'm feature's scenario Scenario is added to your Rule.

For async and await

Steps can be asynchronous because they are executed sequentially.

But Scenario and ScenarioOutline are not asynchronous.

Depending on what you need to do you can use scenario hooks.

Scenario hooks

Gherkin provide some scenario hooks.

vitest-gherkin provides :

  • BeforeEachScenario like beforeEach, before each Scenario
  • BeforeAllScenarios likebeforeAll, before all scenarios
  • AfterEachScenario like afterEach, after each scenario
  • AfterAllScenarios like afterAll, after all Scenario

All hooks should be called before Scenario :

    ({ AfterAllScenarios, AfterEachScenario, BeforeAllScenarios, BeforeEachScenario, Scenario }) => {
        BeforeAllScenarios(() => {
            // ...
        BeforeEachScenario(() => {
            // ...
        AfterEachScenario(() => {
            // ...
        AfterAllScenarios(() => {
            // ...
        Scenario(`vitest-cucumber hook`, ({ Given }) => {
            // ...
        Scenario(`vitest-cucumber hook again`, ({ Given }) => {
            // ...

If you use Rule, hooks are runned also in your Rule.

For example if you have a Feature with 2 Rule, BeforeAllScenarios is executed three times.

Currently I don't know if it's useful to split Feature hooks and Rule hooks ;).

Steps are run sequentially

Since v2.0.0 vitest-cucumber use test.each instead of test. To follow Gherkin way, steps are tested one after one.

An example Scenario :

describeFeature(feature, ({ Scenario }) => {
    Scenario(`Run steps sequentially`, ({ Given, And, When, Then }) => {
        let count = 0
        Given(`Count equals 0`, () => {
        And(`I increase the count by 1 in a promise`, async () => {
            await new Promise((resolve) => {
        When(`I use a timeout to increase`, async () => {
            await new Promise((resolve) => {
                setTimeout(() => {
                }, 1000)
        Then(`At end count should be 2`, () => {

Many Feature(s)

If in your feature file you have more than 1 feature. vitest-cucumber can load all feature with loadFeature :

import { loadFeatures, describeFeature } from '@amiceli/vitest-cucumber'
import { expect } from 'vitest'

const [
    firstFeature, secondFeature
] = await loadFeatures('path/to/my/file.feature')

describeFeature(firstFeature, ({ Scenario }) => {
    // ...

describeFeature(secondFeature, ({ Scenario }) => {
    // ...

You can still use loadFeatures but since v2.0.0 is deprecated. Because multiple Feature in one gherkin file isn't recommended in Gherkin rules.

How it works

Scenario function use vitest describe function and all steps function like Given, Then use vitest test function.

So you don't need to use it or test inside Scenario or scenario steps.