Jérémy Leherpeur
Jérémy Leherpeur
Hello @RudolfVonKrugstein It seems you are working with streamdeck devices, i'm working on it too ! Did you find a solution to read keys in a loop from a thread...
Thanks for the suggestion ! I didn't think about channels. I will try and let you know
@lchrusciel Is this topic already active ? Do you need some help to extract logic to traits ?
Hello @bwoebi, Do you have news about this issue ? Thanks
@dunglas any chance to see this merge soon ? Can I help with something ?
@TamasSzigeti Do you want to make the modification proposed by @dunglas ? If you don't have time, i can do it ! Let me know 🙂
Hi @TamasSzigeti, Seems you did not had time to push update. Could you give me permissions to push on your fork and will try to fix last comments ? Thanks
@makasim Could you please authorize the workflow run to see the state of tests :pray:
@makasim Thanks for merging the other PR, could you restart the CI please ?
Hi @makasim It seems the php 8.3 images added by https://github.com/makasim/docker-nginx-php-fpm/pull/9 are not available on the docker registry. Did you build and push them ? Thanks :pray: