hexo-theme-shoka icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
hexo-theme-shoka copied to clipboard

hexo g 报错

Open luckyzluz opened this issue 3 years ago • 2 comments

INFO Validating config FATAL YAMLException: bad indentation of a mapping entry (73:11)

70 | # bgm 71 | audio: 72 | - title: 列表1 73 | list: ----------------^ 74 | - https://music.163.com/#/playlis ... 75 | - https://music.163.com/#/playlis ... at generateError (C:\studyexe\WWW\myblog\node_modules\js-yaml\lib\loader.js:183:10) at throwError (C:\studyexe\WWW\myblog\node_modules\js-yaml\lib\loader.js:187:9) at readBlockMapping (C:\studyexe\WWW\myblog\node_modules\js-yaml\lib\loader.js:1182:7) at composeNode (C:\studyexe\WWW\myblog\node_modules\js-yaml\lib\loader.js:1441:12) at readBlockSequence (C:\studyexe\WWW\myblog\node_modules\js-yaml\lib\loader.js:1008:5) at composeNode (C:\studyexe\WWW\myblog\node_modules\js-yaml\lib\loader.js:1440:12) at readBlockMapping (C:\studyexe\WWW\myblog\node_modules\js-yaml\lib\loader.js:1164:11) at composeNode (C:\studyexe\WWW\myblog\node_modules\js-yaml\lib\loader.js:1441:12) at readDocument (C:\studyexe\WWW\myblog\node_modules\js-yaml\lib\loader.js:1625:3) at loadDocuments (C:\studyexe\WWW\myblog\node_modules\js-yaml\lib\loader.js:1688:5) at Object.load (C:\studyexe\WWW\myblog\node_modules\js-yaml\lib\loader.js:1714:19) at Hexo.yamlHelper (C:\studyexe\WWW\myblog\node_modules\hexo\lib\plugins\renderer\yaml.js:7:15) at Hexo.tryCatcher (C:\studyexe\WWW\myblog\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\util.js:16:23) at Hexo. (C:\studyexe\WWW\myblog\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\method.js:15:34) at C:\studyexe\WWW\myblog\node_modules\hexo\lib\hexo\render.js:75:22 at tryCatcher (C:\studyexe\WWW\myblog\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\util.js:16:23) at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (C:\studyexe\WWW\myblog\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\promise.js:547:31) at Promise._settlePromise (C:\studyexe\WWW\myblog\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\promise.js:604:18) at Promise._settlePromise0 (C:\studyexe\WWW\myblog\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\promise.js:649:10) at Promise._settlePromises (C:\studyexe\WWW\myblog\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\promise.js:729:18) at _drainQueueStep (C:\studyexe\WWW\myblog\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\async.js:93:12) at _drainQueue (C:\studyexe\WWW\myblog\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\async.js:86:9) { reason: 'bad indentation of a mapping entry', mark: { name: null, buffer: 'alternate: Yume Shoka\n' + '\n' + '# Assets\n' + 'statics: / #//cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/amehime/shoka@latest/\n' + '\n' + 'open_graph:\n' + ' #twitter_id:\n' + ' #google_plus:\n' + ' #fb_admins:\n' + ' #fb_app_id:\n' + '\n' + 'menu:\n' + ' home: / || home\n' + ' posts:\n' + ' default: / || feather\n' + ' archives: /archives/ || list-alt\n' + ' categories: /categories/ || th\n' + ' tags: /tags/ || tags\n' + ' friends: /friends/ || heart\n' + '\n' + '# Social Links\n' + '# Usage: Key: permalink || icon || color\n' + '# Key is the link label showing to end users.\n' + '# Value before || delimiter is the target permalink,\n' + '# secend value is the name of Font icon.\n' + 'social:\n' + ' github: https://github.com/amehime || github || "#191717"\n' + ' #google: https://plus.google.com/yourname || google\n' + ' twitter: https://twitter.com/amehime || twitter || "#00aff0"\n' + ' zhihu: https://www.zhihu.com/people/rurismzk || zhihu || "#1e88e5"\n' + ' music: https://music.163.com/#/user/home?id=12886823 || cloud-music || "#e60026"\n' + ' weibo: https://weibo.com/amehime || weibo || "#ea716e"\n' + ' about: https://about.me/amehime || address-card || "#3b5998"\n' + ' #email: mailto:[email protected] || envelope || "#55acd5"\n' + ' #facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yourname || facebook\n' + ' #stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/yourname || stack-overflow\n' + ' #youtube: https://youtube.com/yourname || youtube\n' + ' #instagram: https://instagram.com/yourname || instagram\n' + ' #skype: skype:yourname?call|chat || skype\n' + ' #douban: https://www.douban.com/people/yourname/ || douban\n' + '\n' + 'footer:\n' + ' # Specify the date when the site was setup. If not defined, current year will be used.\n' + ' since: 2010\n' + ' count: true\n' + '\n' + 'post:\n' + ' count: true\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '# ---------------------------------------------------------------\n' + '# Third Party Plugins & Services Settings\n' + '# ---------------------------------------------------------------\n' + '\n' + '# Comments\n' + '# Valine\n' + '# For more information: https://valine.js.org, https://github.com/xCss/Valine\n' + 'valine:\n' + ' appId: #这里不要忘了改\n' + ' appKey: #这里不要忘了改\n' + ' placeholder: ヽ(○´∀`)ノ♪ # Comment box placeholder\n' + ' pageSize: 10 # Pagination size\n' + ' lang: zh-CN\n' + ' tagMember:\n' + ' master:\n' + ' # - deea5a8d259d17182a53be1772e4c182\n' + ' friend:\n' + ' - deea5a8d259d17182a53be1772e4c182\n' + '\n' + '# bgm\n' + 'audio:\n' + ' - title: 列表1\n' + ' list:\n' + ' - https://music.163.com/#/playlist?id=2943811283\n' + ' - https://music.163.com/#/playlist?id=2297706586\n' + ' - title: 列表2\n' + ' list:\n' + ' - https://music.163.com/#/playlist?id=2031842656\n' + '\n' + '# Dependencies: https://github.com/amehime/hexo-renderer-multi-markdown-it\n' + 'pangu: true\n' + '\n' + '# ---------------------------------------------------------------\n' + '# analytics & SEO Settings\n' + '# ---------------------------------------------------------------\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '# Disable Baidu transformation on mobile devices.\n' + 'disable_baidu_transformation: true\n' + '\n' + '# Automatically add external URL with Base64 encrypt & decrypt.\n' + 'exturl: true\n', position: 2136, line: 72, column: 10, snippet: ' 70 | # bgm\n' + ' 71 | audio:\n' + ' 72 | - title: 列表1\n' + ' 73 | list:\n' + '----------------^\n' + ' 74 | - https://music.163.com/#/playlis ...\n' + ' 75 | - https://music.163.com/#/playlis ...' } }

luckyzluz avatar Apr 27 '21 04:04 luckyzluz

百度 是语法 错误什么的 我这直接覆盖的 原作者配置 也敲过空格 隔开 依旧报错 可能是位置没找对?

luckyzluz avatar Apr 27 '21 04:04 luckyzluz

  - title: 列表1
     - https://music.163.com/#/playlist?id=2943811283
     - https://music.163.com/#/playlist?id=2297706586
  - title: 列表2
    - https://music.163.com/#/playlist?id=2031842656

注意 list 的缩进

Fidelxyz avatar May 27 '21 11:05 Fidelxyz