Alex McKinney

Results 46 comments of Alex McKinney

Hey @TonyPapousekLC, I wasn't able to reproduce this. I added a `go_package` option to my `.proto` file, pushed the content, then edited my `go_package` option and successfully pushed again and...

It's been a while for this one - I'll move this to an internal issue so that it can be tracked there.

We have `buf mod init` available now, but it doesn't perform all of the functionality mentioned here (the automatic build, lint, etc). I imagine we could add a flag to...

We don't need this now that users can push the same content with a new `--tag` (the new tag will point to the same commit ID). We can reopen this...

D'oh! You're right, I was mistaken - I just verified that behavior myself. I _think_ that we should actually create a new tag with the same commit ID though (like...

This might be something we want to re-explore when the plugin redesign is complete (cc @smallsamantha), either in the form of documentation or a `version: v2`. I imagine we'd lean...

The two commands you've shown might not be equivalent. In the first case you're checking against the module built at `.git#branch=master`, whereas in the second command you're building a `proto.bin`...

It looks like you're using symlinks in your repository, which aren't supported for `.git` references. Your `buf build` command succeeds with the local sources because symlinks _are_ supported for local...

All right, there's a few things to unravel here. Your current setup has a structure that makes it hard to shift around all at once, so I'll outline the ideal...

I'll close this out as-is. Hopefully my previous comment helped clear up the problem and solution!