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Changing data header/column names does not update the json series or axes values
Updating the data header/column names in the data ui, does not update the internal chart JSON 'series' or 'yAxes' values to match, leaving a broken un-renderable chart.
Steps to reproduce
A) From template dummy data
- Launch Editor
- From Home section pick Simple Bar Chart
- Go to Data section: Rename column 1 header from 'category' to 'cactus'
- Switch to Design section: You should have a Blank chart.
- Switch to Code section: Json data[] will have the correct changed name but yAxes/dataFields/category will still have the value "category"
B) From external data
- Launch Editor
- Choose Simple Bar Chart
- In Data, import json (or csv)
- Switch to Design: [now broken / invisible chart]
- Switch to Code: json data[] matches the imported data, but not the Axes category or series dataFields
This bug is currently stopping using imported data (without manually editing the json to fix)
Tested with Alpha.10.
Best Regards,
Hi there. Thank you for trying the Editor and this detailed report!
This is a known issue, or rather a feature that is not implemented yet. Having said that, you should still be able to manually fix this in the design mode by going to appropriate series, axes, etc. and changing the data fields.
Not saying that this is how it should (and will) be, though. We are definitely going to address this.
Thanks for quick reply - I've committed to amcharts4 + this editor on an project in development. So i might have to get this functionality in my self :-). Any pointers where in source and what you had in mind to solve this?
I would advise against it at this stage as many things are changing pretty rapidly and it won't be easy for you to maintain a modified version. If you are already committed and willing to buy a license, we can definitely look into moving this up in our to-do list.
oh dear! My client has bought a license recently for this, i will send you email to discuss, cheers.
Hi Alan, I sent an email to the contact-AT-amcharts email yesterday about this. I'm keen to chat about a way to see if we can expedite this fix.
Also, is there a public list of known issues and / or roadmap for this project?
Hi Adam,
I've replied to your support inquiry yesterday. Please check your spam folder to see if the reply didn't get stuck there. Let me know if not, and I will resend.