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Modifications to Backbone's Model an Collection so that they play nice with django-tastypie. Includes a way to easily paginate over a resource list and a way to access the associated meta information....

Backbone Tastypie Build Status

Modifications to Backbone's Model an Collection so that they play nice with django-tastypie. Includes a way to easily paginate over a resource list and a way to access the associated meta information.


var User = Backbone.Tastypie.Model.extend({
    urlRoot: '/api/v1/user/'

var Users = Backbone.Tastypie.Collection.extend({
    urlRoot: '/api/v1/user/',
    model: User

// /api/v1/user/?active=true
var activeUsers = new Users({
    filters: {
        active: true,

// Fetch first 20 users.

// Fetch and add next 20 users.

// Total number of users.