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Re-apply type annotations from .pyi stubs to your codebase.

Results 8 retype issues
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Signed-off-by: Bernát Gábor

The readme could have a simple list without checkboxes (it’s not an interactive form after all!). Maybe also worth reporting to warehouse.

related to #20 ``: ```python class Testclass: value = None @property def someprop(self): return self.value @someprop.setter def someprop(self, value): self.value = value ``` `example.pyi` (generated with stubgen and added `...

Unquoted forward references are valid in stub files, but not at runtime; when applying stubs to a module, retype should quote them when necessary to avoid creating a module that...

Hello, I think that classes decorated with [`@type_check_only`]( should be allowed even if they are not present in the source file (since they are not available at runtime). Using them...

It seems like at this point retype doesn't support `overloaded` annotations. Tested with example annotation (`foo.pyi`): ```python from typing import overload @overload def f(x: str) -> str: ... @overload def...

Per the PyCon 2019 Typing summit, we agreed that probably the best way to merge stubs and sources is to use this tool. This is needed for mypy issue

Hiya, I came across your tool when trying out monkeytype and found it's very useful but bombs out on most of my files with errors like: `Annotation problem in function...