cornea icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
cornea copied to clipboard

👁️ Isometric 3D Graphing / Rendering module for Haskell


Cornea is a library for 3D graphing and rendering in Haskell.

Here's an example:

import Cornea
import Codec.Picture (PixelRGBA8 (..), writePng)

axes :: World
axes = [ ( Edge [[0,0,0], [15, 0, 0]] , mark (PixelRGBA8 255 100 100 255) 1)
       , ( Edge [[0,0,0], [ 0,15, 0]] , mark (PixelRGBA8 100 255 100 255) 1)
       , ( Edge [[0,0,0], [ 0, 0,15]] , mark (PixelRGBA8 100 100 255 255) 1)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  writePng "/tmp/axes.png" $ render 500 500 10 $ axes `seenFrom` isometric


And here's a more contrived example. You can see the full source in app/Main.hs.



Cornea uses Graphics.Rasterific under the hood to draw and style things, so each object to be drawn is a tuple; the first bit is the point or set of points to draw, and the second is a Style of type

type Style = ([Primitive] -> Drawing PixelRGBA8 ())

typically this will be something like withTexture (uniformTexture <color>) . fill or withTexture (uniformTexture <color>) . stroke <thickness> JoinRound (CapRound, CapRound), so Cornea provides solid <color> and mark <color> <thickness>, which are shorter ways to write the same thing.

The object itself is easy to define.

data Obj = Cord [Float] | Edge [[Float]] | Face [[Float]] 

The only difference between an Edge and a Face is whether it draws a polyline or polygon (Rasterific primitives) under the hood. Both can be styled however which way.